Andrew Quah
My dad employs 16 year old year 10 drop outs, but he does not employ stupid bitches such as yourselves. are you posting herenatstar said:Somebody said that nobody recognises UWS, I just asked who this nobody is.
You, like us, is not an employer either so why are you posting here.
I also do not think it is nice to attack non uws students. Especially when you arguing against people who attack uws on the same basis (not me, bearpooh who said uws=maccs obvious flame bait)melsc said:I dont think however, attacking the UWSs students is very nice and doesnt prove anything
How did u know that was what I was doingFrigid said:i'd like to point out a blindingly-obvious point:
does it fucking matter?
of course, it is not possible to capture the views of ALL employers in ALL fields by sharing the collective experience of BoS members.
this topic will only reduce itself to inane flaming.
melsc, please stop procrastinating and go study. there is no need to defend anything in this futile thread.
Might I just say I said this ages ago and then got smart arse comments made about how employers wouldnt be found on BOS, as I said if you guys ALL of you had talked about people you knew this had happened to would have satisfied the person who started the thread...anyway I should take Frigid's advice and go study cyaserawamai said:None of us are employers. Hence we have no right to comment. You also happen not to be an employer. This means you have no right to comment about uws or any other uni. So what are you doing in this thread commenting about uws and other unis?
i reserve my opinion on the quality of UWS because i simply do not know. even though i've lived in western sydney almost my entire life, i have never studied there. as you say, none of us are not well qualified to comment on the employability of UWS graduates.erawamai said:I know I know. But the point has to be made that it is wrong for a uws person to state that because you do not go to uws you do not know what hard work is. It would be just as wrong to suggest that because you go to uws you do not know what hatd work is.
What do you think Frigid? Do you know what hard work is? That has been the crux of the tailend of this thread.
What the fuknatstar said:The thing is, your not an employer, your a first year uni sudent, you are not in the capacity to comment
Once again, feel free to promote your university and to contest any unreasonable generalisations from those commenting from afar, but don't expect others to keep quiet when you seek to unjustly pull down another university with petty statements in order to make your point.sparkl3z said:well, the grass really IS greener at UWS...we actually do have some grass, unlike some of the other uni's around....anyways but reputation wise, I think it's all just beacuse our uni hasn't been around as long as other uni's, I don't see any flaws in the admin and societies or whatever, I mean, those types of problems are experienced everywhere, I've been to USYD, trust me, it's not perfect.
I don't know that this summary adds anything to the debate (must admit I'm not a regular on this sub-forum, got to it while navigating to the Macq one, and not familiar with the debate). A debate implies two sides. If people who went there didn't like it, they'd also have a negative perception, thus being the same as employers... both sides would agree, so there's no debate...wikiwiki said:Alright here, lets summarise the debate.
1) a few people (me included) believe employers have a negative perception of UWS as compared to other universities such as UNSW and Sydney.
2) You disagree because you think UWS is a good university.
If you are going to use that argument it would be incorrect for you to present any opinion on any university other than your own. (hint: You have only ever been a student at uws)natstar said:I just think its rich when non uws students comment on UWS standard of teaching, stadard of students, standard of quality etc etc etc, when they 1) havent been there, 2) are not students 3) base their generalisation on a whole lot of hearsay.
Stott Despoja said:the point is that it's a bit rich to rail against derisive, oft-unfounded generalisations when they paint your uni in a poor light yet at the same time rely upon your own petty (and somewhat warped) generalisations about other universities and their students in order to 'prove' a point.
natstar said:This will never cease to amaze me. People automatically think west=derro, hole, crap, gay, bad, end of the earth. If people wants to hold that attitude, then thats fine, it just shows the narrow mindness of people today
But hey. That won't stop you commenting negatively about other unis or their students!natstar said:I have not commented on the standard of teaching or quality at any other uni
natstar said:If you think you go to such a highly prestigious and oh so classy university where you kiss your lectures arses in return for good marks and they kiss yours in return,
natstar said:I didnt say it was crap. I just said the students and lectures like to arse kiss
Right so teachers and students kiss arse at usyd in your opinion. But, as you say, that's a joke...ha ha ha...nothing negative. It's just you think students and teachers kiss each others arses (I have no idea how you formed that opinion since you have never been to usyd)natstar said:all I said was that jokingly USYD students and teaches arse kiss IMO. I said [/b]nothing about the quality or standard of anything or nothing negetive about the uni in general.
How are you meant to be taken serisously when you complain about generalisations made of your uni but you then go and make genernalisations about other unis?Stott Despoja said:the point is that it's a bit rich to rail against derisive, oft-unfounded generalisations when they paint your uni in a poor light yet at the same time rely upon your own petty (and somewhat warped) generalisations about other universities and their students in order to 'prove' a point.