Yeah, I like bio i guess, but it can get kinda boring at times.
I never really wanted to do it cause i hated science but i couldnt get any of the other things on lines so i kinda had to do it. And guess what? I'm coming first!

lol. By a fair way too. I think thats whats making me like it heaps now.
I went to that museum of disease for an excursion (involving the LONG trip to sydney.. ugh.. bus trips..). I didnt end up seeing the face cause we ran out of time, but yeah the hair and teeth in the ovaries was pretty weird. Lots of people grossed out about stuff but i thought it was pretty cool.
Did u guys see the hamaphrodite? lol.
Hey, do u reckon that people who've had stuff amputated, (like the thumbs) go and visit their body parts? it'd be pretty weird.. lol. just a thought
Is it just me, or is the plant bits of the syllabus REALLY BORING!?! I'm really into all the human stuff and even the immune system is more interesting and easier to understand that plant systems.