I like:
- being 5'9" and 64 kg
- being able to eat without getting fat
- my nose, teeth
- skinny arms and legs
I hate:
- my skin (always have one pimple on my face somewhere
- not being able to sleep well
- my hair
- visibility of bones on my body ...

lol? (idiot)
- slender, yet muscular/strong legs, arms and stomach. ie low body fat (thank YOU gym) but still having a feminine figure.
- My hair
- My face
- posture (i always get compliments on my posture)
- teeth
- My hair (it's a love hate relationship. curly hair is so unpredictable)
- my small wrists. i seriously can't find normal bracelets to wear because they look abnormal on my wrists.
- my nails always break
- My flat butt. It's flatter than day old beer. It's getting there, though. bring on the squats and lunges.
- my obliques aren't very strong
- shit ankles from netball
- when i use, say, the leg press, my left knee goes in a little bit on the eccentric move, which means on my left leg, the inner thing muscle is weak and the outer one is tight. It's lame.