Hi guys,
I really love maths and actually, the only reason why I am considering on choosing B Science is so that I can major in Mathematics. Is this a good idea? What alternatives would you recommend?
In first year Science, I hear that you do a bit of everything like chemistry and other sciences. Does that involve a lot of essay writing and reporting like writing up experiments and all that? After first year does everyone go off and do their majors for the rest of their course?
Also, I really want to do B Advanced Mathematics at Sydney University, but currently the ATAR is like 98. If I do B Science, when will I be able to transfer? Would i further need requirements to get into it?
Sorry about the flooding questions.
Please answer with as much detail as possible.
Thank you so much!
Glad to see you love Maths! We need more students like yourself. If you enjoy Mathematics, then the Bachelor of Science is perfect for you. You could always do a Mathematics-related course like Finance or Engineering, but you wouldn't get a proper taste of real Mathematics (yes, I did just dis the engineering courses

In First Year, regardless of BSc. (Any major) or BSc. (Advanced Mathematics), you are required to take some Science (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Psychology, Environmental Sciences etc etc) units, and of course Mathematics, is compulsory. In Second Year, you can choose to take ALL Mathematics subjects if you wish (that's what I did).
Now, your question is regarding the BSc.(Mathematics) versus the BSc.(Advanced Mathematics). Indeed, the ATAR requirement is quite high. If you initially don't get into the Adv. Mathematics stream, you can do the normal BSc and if you show some promise (ie: D average minimum, maybe more), they can transfer you to the Advanced Mathematics stream.
wow thats cool. Thanks for that. I just thought that Advanced Mathematics learn more maths that harder?
After finishing the degree, will it even (Advanced Mathematics) on the certificate?
Yep, it will have that on the certificate, provided you have a CREDIT AVERAGE. Otherwise, you just go back down to the normal BSc, even if you initially got the necessary ATAR for the BSc. (Adv. Maths). And the Advanced units go much more in-depth and is more proof-based (so naturally the questions are like that too), whereas the normal stream tends to have more computations and whatnot. Personally, I don't like mindless computations, so the Adv. stream was more suitable for me.
Nah, I do the same maths as the advanced maths kids (well, some of them do like crazy people maths, but I'm doing their standard maths) and I'm like maths-retarded.
I think it might say it.
You can just enrol into B Science and then ask to swap after picking your advanced maths units, since it's just a stream of B Science the swap shouldn't be that hard.
The only difference is that BSC(Adv Maths) has a compulsory honours year (I think) and you can't major in something non-maths (I think).
You can't exactly 'major' in non-maths, but you can essentially have the equivalent of a 'secondary major' or sometimes called a 'minor' in a Non-Maths subject. Otherwise, you could just have a major and a minor, both in Mathematics.
or SSP.
Also, you don't have to have done 4U. You can do 3U and score a band E4 and have a genuine interest in maths, and they may swap you in.
Yep, SSP is for especially talented students who have either 95+ in Extension 2 Mathematics, or show serious dedication + extra-curricular activities (ie: Maths Competitions etc). It is very rare to have a person accepted into SSP without having done the highest level of Mathematics available (whether it be IB, or the HSC).
Furthermore, the usual minimum ATAR for SSP is 98.5 or around there. You have to apply with a form, and the SSP coordinator (Daniel Daners) selects the top 20 or so students.
If you get it, take the opportunity. You won't regret it. I took it and it was absolutely fascinating. You can get bonus points for your other Maths subjects by doing it (only 2 or 3 marks at most), but trust me when you're at that level, 2-3 marks means the world of difference.
Wow thank you guys so much. Is it also true that at Sydney Uni, you can choose between Applied Maths and Pure Maths? Only at Sydney Uni?
Every other University offering Mathematics would offer the many branches that come from it, including Statistics, Finance, Applied and Pure Mathematics. Not necessarily just USYD.
And FYI: UNSW has the SSP program too, but I can't comment too much about it, since I go to USYD.