Riet said:
That's what I'm saying. Sex isn't the point, it's attitude. If you act like a massive whore it doesn't matter whether or not you're a virgin or not, tbh. It's still a turn off. TBH, I find the idea of wanting a virginal girl creepy. It shouldn't be an issue.
I agree in a way.... I hate and despise girls who act holier than thou , dress like a whore , chase every man in the church building desperate for a husband and then rubbish girls who've 'lost theirs'. Hate might be too strong a word but ive seen that sort of pathetic dishonest arrogance hurt a friend bad.
Ive seen it and it makes me sick.
Despite the fact i do mostly agree with what you have said, I still hope my husband will value mine as precious , as something that reflects on me , as a gift i have endured alot to give ( ok , maybe i havent endured that much

.... ) So i hope he loves the fact that i waited just for him , but isnt the sort of man that just expects it. Ive protected more than just a physical thing , i protected my heart too.
Its alright though for me , i pretty much know who i am going to marry ( as long as things continue as they are) and he has the right mindset in my eyes.
I guess we all just have to find someone who values what we do