How do you recommend studying chemistry? Like how many hours a day and should I start studying in the holidays?
How I've been doing it is:
*disclaimer, everyone works differently but this is what I did in Yr11 and got rank 5/110

1. Get out the physical copy of my textbook (Pearson for chemistry is highly reccommended) (reading digitally tends to make me bored within an hour, as I can't physically interact and write on it)
2. Make sure you've asked/emailed your teacher on what Module you are starting with (usually you start with Module 1 but some schools like to mix it around)
3. Start with that module and read the first chapter of the module
4. Highlight key terms and explanations in different colours (don't highlight too much)
5. After you have read the chapter (it shouldn't be too long), write notes on a google doc/handwritten (whatever floats your boat) and snipping tool necessary diagrams and tables from the electronic copy of the textbook
6. The notes are the time-consuming part, but quite important because you don't want to be reading a textbook before an exam
7. Do the key questions at the end of the chapter
8. Make sure you do entire chapter reviews and module reviews if you have time!
^Now, this is the preliminary step and you should do this for at least 1/2 the Module before Term 1 starts. And keep chipping through it once Term 1 starts, as you always want to be a step ahead of what you are learning in class. I made the mistake of being behind in class as I hadn't pre-done the chapters, it is not a good feeling and you waste a lot of time in class.
I would say, if you do 1 or 2 chapters (or sub-chapters, depending on the textbook) per day, you will finish the Module. This allows for about 1-2 hours of chemistry per day. This to some people might be a lot but if you picked chemistry for the right reasons, this shouldn't be a burden.
Also, nearer to the exam period, I used atar notes for Chemistry to supplement the textbook and I found these questions were a lot more advanced/different to the textbook. Also do past papers, but you have to prioritise finishing all textbook questions in my opinion because they give you the fundamentals for all questions.