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what should I do? science->med or economics? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 26, 2009
after recieving my umat results, i can't make it to med/dent at UQ because I got lower than 50 in one section (section 2).

I'm not gonna to griffith or any other uni because it's just my view that I prefer the large, more "prestigious" universities. It's just my opinion.......... and i don't want to go to other states. you'll probably say "if you were truly passionate about medicine you would just apply for griffith", but i'm not going to and it has nothing to do with my passion.

So I want to do med but this means I have to graduate from an undergraduate degree because at UQ, medicine is postgrad (combined with accelerated b.science).

Should I do a "fast" course like science (3years) or other 3 year courses and do the gamsat? How difficult is the gamsat? Do I have to study a lot for it? I have the option of sitting the umat again next year but I highly doubt getting over 50 for section 2 (because I don't believe this section can be improved) and i've heard in some years sections 1 or 3 can be very difficult. I did medentry as my prep course. I should have done preparation for this way earlier but I only spent 2 weeks on medentry preparation for the umat, and I only found significant improvement in section 3.

but then I have the option of doing economics (I'm sort of interested in economics). UQ doesn't offer actuarial studies, which I'm sort of considering in doing because I find maths maybe as my strong point.

But on the UQ site it says economics (3years) combined with economics (honors 1year) will make me able to become an actuary. But would I have the same skills as a person who just came out of macquarie/unsw who did actuarial studies there? I'm clueless on how the system works.

So my friends suggested me maybe I should do economics next year and see how I find it?

lets just say I have more of an idea what I'm gonna be studying if I do medicine than economics. I like the fact that medicine has many paths to choose from. But for economics, I don't know what to expect (i know there is maths and essays involved but the question of "will i enjoy it" is what i'm doubting).

I know basic economic theory (I studied economics for a bit in year 11) but I want other people's opinions on university economics and if it's interesting or not.

But then again science and economics are both 3 year courses. So maybe economics is the best option since graduating from economics will take me somewhere... but science won't take me anywhere will it? And I can sit the umat/gamsat every year until I get a good score if I don't like economics and I wanna do medicine.
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Active Member
Feb 21, 2008
1. Economics is a shit undergraduate degree
2. Economics with an econometrics orientated honours dissertion would not make you an actuary - a straight mathematics degree would be more appropriate.
3. If your strong point is mathematics and you are (hopefully) interested in medicine there is allways biostatistics, biomedical engineering and biotechnology.

I have no idea why you want to do medicine, if you are interested in mathematics and how interested you are in economics so thats my 2c.

I'm not sure about UQ but at UWA you can transfer into medicine if your first year/semester GPA is above 5.5


Active Member
Nov 14, 2006
This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read...why, in terms of Medicine do you prefer "the large, more "prestigious" universities"?

Do Economics and save the Medicine place for someone else, IMO.


Premium Member
Aug 17, 2004
Chasing ambulances in the Inner West...
I'm not gonna to griffith or any other uni because it's just my view that I prefer the large, more "prestigious" universities. It's just my opinion.......... and i don't want to go to other states. you'll probably say "if you were truly passionate about medicine you would just apply for griffith", but i'm not going to and it has nothing to do with my passion.
Just be wary that this attitude may prevent you from getting into medicine. Why let something as arbitary and stupid as prestige stop you from getting into the course you want straight away. There are a lot of if's and uncertainties about the other routes. If you don't expect to improve on the section you had trouble with and if the GAMSAT is similar you are leaving a lot to chance when you have the possiblity of an offer straight away...

Medicine is one of the careers where you WILL get a job regardless of the uni, the places are so limited and we always need doctors - prestige means nothing really other than to your ego.

My advice is to do what you are interested in and good at, without these things you will not cope/stay/do well in a university degree so pick wisely, don't do something you don't want to or that seems easy!

Anyone at uni can tell you that prestige means crap all about teching quality, student quality and quality of graduates... so if thats why you are so focused on UQ then think about it. I am sure Griffith has agreat program, after all like law, medicine programs have to be accredited!

All the best with you decision.
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ad infinitum

Jun 11, 2009
Ew, of course you do Medicine at a Group of 8 Uni....the rest are rubbish. But, given that you failed the UMAT your not cut out for medicine.


Aug 30, 2008
change your career path while you're still young. If you can't pass UMAT then you're not passionate/smart enough/haave the aptitude to be a doctor

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