ext english, bah ask Ryan he knows all my complaining. I wouldent mind learning the content of the year 12 course and never having to do a assessment task. But in the long run with a 2 hour exam nd having to write an essay and creative piece for EXT it just won't work.
Yeah, out of my subjects its the one i really wanna drop, wouldent minddropping geog also, but hey its shit easy, but i wish i actually did some work in there, i go do like nothing in class, and do all the test yoour self questions in the book, and i get ranked one, and i have only been in there a term. Explain that one Australia, I think it has to do with the fact i am like the only one in there that takes it seriously and actually bothers to do work, not that the teacher gives us any anyways.
Does anyone know where i can download old Catholic trial prelim papers (if you can download them), cause i can see my geog one been one of them, or been bits of old ones put together, if anyone has done a prelim exam, as well can you post it on there.
Gee this post was going to end on ask Ryan... I really should go do some work and stop complaining that i have so much work to do, ahhh well i will do it tomorrow and saturday i suppose...