Remove the whole repping system. It's been around for a year, and I don't think there has been any success. I still don't see the point of it (and I will not refer to any FAQs to figure out the point of it).
The rep system brings in heaps of dickheads and allows for stupid threads such as "I farted", or "I'm off" or "Attention: *" in NS to gain the so-called "respect" and rep of other bos members. I think if you remove the rep system, the stupid, annoying members will complain for about a month, then get over it, and will eventually go away or post nicely. Think about it. Since the repping system has come into play, we have had thread after thread closed and we have also made all mods, not just a few mods, moderating NS, as though we're a bunch of kindergarteners not knowing the difference between food and playdough. It was never like this before. I really like the fact that lots of people are using the forums, but when you compare the users in NS to the users in, say, School forum, they are quite different and the ones not in NS are much kinder.
Meh, I dunno. I know this has most probably been said a thousand times before, but I just wanted to say something/vent. I've done my research.