Supplying a TFN can mean you're a deferred student. Even if you're a full fees student you can still supply your TFN as a safety net incase you don't pay the money on time.underthesun said:if you supplied a TFN, you're automatically a deferred HECS stud?
I paid mine a few days ago, and now all liabilities = 0.00. Parents insisted on not deferring.
Last time i paid my student fees, it took 3 days for their system to update, so better do it quick. It's 28th.
memr_speedy said:whoa forgot about this... i havent paid session 2 fees yet.... anyone else not paid theirs yet?
Consider yourself lucky. Normally you won't be able to enroll for the next session if you haven't paid your fees yet.truly-in-bliss said:what happens if u dont pay? i still havent paid my session 1 fees yet...