There was a process involved in man being 'moulded out of clay' and the end result was the modern human of today which is totally distinct from the rest of creation. Unlike, idk, dogs who are instinctive animals and totally content with, idk, a bone, we have deeper and more painful urges which arent satisfied and cant be satisfied by the world. We all long for the infinite, the beautiful, the good and the true. Our soul longs to know our creator and redeemer and will be satisfied by nothing less than this full encounter.
If youre hooked on pin-pointing the moment of the dawn of man, I suppose youd have to point to the period where we acquired sufficent brain capacity to employ language effectively enough to organise and sufficently conquer external threats. Genisis makes specific mention of language being a gift from God so that man can order the world according to his will. In so doing, we are made co-creators with a God whos very word brought about creation and whose word was made flesh thru His son.