Let me be more specific to answer your question.
Of course! You wouldn't want to pick something like philosophy where you get no job anyway, even though you want be immensely be interested in it.
See my previous post
One of the most difficult degree. Just because science subjects usually involve more assignments and projects compared to other subjects. When I say science I mean maths, chemistry, biology (including medical microbiology and immunology, biochem, anatomy, physiology, molecular biology etc), physics. I am not talking about subjects like safety science and stuff like that.
note that sicnece students have more contact hours because we have labs, whereas commerce/art people don't. But if you're passionate about your choice, you should be enjoying it! Even though sometimes you do get sick of studying for your weekly tests and preparing for exams.
Average starting salary for bachelor of science/med science/adv science etc. is around 38 000 to 40 000. Note this is jsut a 3 year degree. You shouldn't be expecting a lot from just learning theories and some practical aspects of science.
If you're good, you might get higher (do Honours!!).
PhD graduate: Do I even need to comment on this? I would assume somewehre between 60 000 to 75 000? No idea. Anyway, a lot higher! Depends where you're employed I suppose...
Immunology ROCKS! UNSW usually has an immunology major that combine with medical microbiology. So your major name would actually be "Medical Microbiology and Immunology".
If you change your mind about immunology, you can just major in "Microbiology".