PwarYuex said:
Jesus, calm down. Obviously if I'm philosophical I must go to Macquarie (obviously

), you're aggressive because you go out to West for education. Chill out, dude. I was pointing out that asking for "the best" of whatever rarely works (unless you want to be the best jackass, you'd go to UWS- see everyone can uni-bash) out because everyone likes to think they have the best whatever.
In any case, you really should be able to answer her question to an extent, maybe you're going off on a tangent? I dare you to help her (and me, because I'm honestly wondering) by trying to answer her question, I'm sure you'd do an alright job because you do Business: tell us about your experience with UWS' marketing and management, have you done any, good lecturers, good resources?
edited for crap spelling
ok ..i know ur havin a go at korn but just coz ur shitty doesnt mean baggin uws is a
have we not been thru the pointlessness of uni bashing everyone?
anyways..back on topic
yeh i agree - asking wat's the best 4 marketing/management is pointless, especially since marketing and management involve totally differnet work
i do B Business(Human resource management and industial relations)/B Laws at uws and love it! far as i know , the business half is totally different to any other uni's... not sure how as in if its course structure or the course itself or whatever...but seems that friends doing management type courses or whatever at other unis its really differnt
i think the lecturers at uws are awesome, our Workplace Behaviour unit lecturer is funny and always has a way of telling personal storeis and stuf fthat make the work so easy to understand and remember, unlike some lecturers who try to distance themselves from you and keep it totally proffessional
the workload's pretty good, interesting and not too much
my course cna lead to so many job opportunities coz of the focus it takes...since im doing B LAws too tho, i dont pick electives so i cant really comment on those...but the compulsorary units cover Inudtrsial relations, human resource management, human relatoins, managing people, psychology, businss functions, work arrangements, sociology and lots more
so you could go into management in privbate or public sectore, dispute resolution, teaching, consultancy work, industrial relations, government work, academia, research..heapsa stuff
and if u combine it wit law for example, leaves sooo many options open.
Although most uni students refuse to acknowledge it, uws seems to have an extremely good rep wit employers as far as management goes as the skills you learn as practical, diverse, and teach you how to communicate blah blah blah all that stuff
i think its also good coz in my business classes, with 1 exception, everyone's awesome and friendly and we allhelp each other out with studying and stuff even tho there's an age gap of 17 up to 50+

which is heaps good coz if u gota ppl to support u makes it less stressful etc
same goes with lecturers, so any question you have or stuff you dont understand, they're willing to help out. One of my lecturers even lets people choose not to come tyo lecture if thats "not their thing" as she put it and instead shell answer their emails n talk to them in person in consultation times
cant really comment on marketing since i dont do marketing and its way different from management - at uws, management's in the School of Employment Relations and Marketing far as i remember has its own School so lecturers are different etc
but yeah hope it helps
EDIT:if anyone really wants to figure this out, honesetly, 2nd to going to each uni for a week or 2.... maybe u shoudl have a look on the uni sites about what each course involves and that kinda thing