Essentially, it is unlikely that a Stage 6 subject other than maths will feature an element of calculation that is as significant as that of Stage 6 maths subjects. Of course, this does not suggest that there are no subjects other than maths that involve calculations at HSC level. The following subjects involve a fair degree of mathematical calculations:Original Poster said:^^in terms of senior subjects (obviously besides maths)
- Physics - As Aeonium mentioned, Physics includes a decent element of mathematical calculations. Such calculations may be related to concepts such as time, distance, angles, and range.
- Chemistry - Calculations that you may need to complete in Chemistry include those related to energy, percentages of chemical compounds, volume and equilibrium-related calculations.
- Economics - Calculations that are part of the Economics course include those such as balance of payments, inflation rate and balance of goods and services.
- Business Studies - A number of calculations are involved in Business Studies, particularly as part of the finance topic in the HSC course, where students learn to calculate and interpret a total of 7 financial ratios. Examples include the current ratio as well as the net profit ratio.
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