Lol. Now you are coming up with a stereotype.
No, Sciences are NOT harder because at least you cannot make "bullshit" on your exams like in subjects like Ancient History.
lol if u think u can ' bullshit ' through ancient i dontt think ur aware of what the course requires. Doing all humanties subjects i can honestly tell u if i ' bulshitted' through my exams i would not be getting anything more than a pass, if that, and a pass in ancient is pretty much equivalent to a fail considering how poorly its scaled.
i do religion, legal,ancient and society and i cant bullshit through any of them. the questions are very specific and to get full marks or near about u need a very good understanding of the syllabus. anyone that tells u any less is either not doing well in the subject or has not done the subject.
i know i sound like a know it all in my post, but honestly it really bothers me when people down play humanities. yes science and maths are much harder to grasp but all my friends do science and maths they had like one assignmnt in physics and 2 in chem ( none in maths ) where as i had about 20 assignmnts all year ( slight exaggeration, clearly i didnt keep count lol, but a very high amount)
it might not require as much skills, but humanities have just as much to study for if u ask me. please dont down play it. i work very hard to get my marks lol. when people speak of it that way i just feel dumb because supposedly its ' so easy ' to get marks in.
btw; i apologise if ur comment was sarcastic, i seriously cant tell, but a few posts here imply humanities are easy and i just wanted to put this out there lol.