Wow, thank you for presenting the interesting history of the complex!
Regarding the colours, I believe that it is much more complex than appears at first sight. For example, one might pose the question of, why is the complex [Fe(H2O)6]3+ much less intensely coloured than [Fe(H2O)5(NCS)]2+, given that they are both high spin d5 complexes? Additionally, why are the complexes differently coloured, given 5 of the 6 ligands are identical in both complexes, and the 6th ligands are right next to each other on the spectrochemical series (see below) i.e of similar splitting strengths, hence we would expect a similar splitting energy?
We can check the absorption spectra to confirm that the absorptions occur at subtantially different wavelengths, which is incongruent with both transitions being d-d.
Iron thiocyanate (absorbs 450-500nm, appears red):

Iron Nitrate (Absorbs at a lower wavelength, appears yellow)
In the graph below, the phosphoric acid converts the ionised iron complex back (i.e [Fe(OH)(H2O)5]2+ back into [Fe(H2O)6]3+, so we are interested in the dotted line.
We can rationalise these findings, by supposing that while the iron hexaaqua complex is a d-d transition between the two orbitals, as Jazz519 noted, the iron thiocyanate compelex exhibits a completely different transition.
We can construct a orbital energy diagram that depicts the various energy levels of the entire iron thiocyanate complex, and it would look something like below. The d-d splitting that is mentioned can be seen in the familiar 3-2 splitting, here named t2g* and eg*. Orbitals would be fully filled up to the t2g set, and half filled for the t2g* and eg* sets. The transition we are interested in is t2g -> t2g*. As the t2g orbital mainly comes from the p orbital set on the ligand (the right column), and the t2g* mainly comes from the metal, we can term such a transition "ligand to metal". Also note that the p-orbitals, although reflected as the t2g set, can also be thought of a lone pair or pi bond on the ligand, that transfers its electrons to the metal i.e "reduces the metal".
Finally, we should rationalise the intensity of the transition. The d-orbital splitting diagram of high spin d5 complexes have each orbital half filled, electrons with the same spin. There is a selection rule, that transitions cannot occur (are weaker) when the electron is required to change spin going from one orbital to the other. Clearly, this is required for these complexes (due to the principle that in an orbital, the two electrons are of opposite spins), hence the d-d transition is weak (as expected for the hexaaqua complex). However, you can notice that in the ligand to metal transition of the thiocyanate complex, there is always an electron in the filled t2g set that can transition to the t2g* set without changing spin i.e it is allowed, hence the intensity is very strong.
For reference, here is a filled splitting diagram for high spin d5
Reference to the LMCT: Page 291 of
Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques
By D. N. Sathyanarayana
This book is also very good for understanding electronic transitions and colours of various complexes.