Home Economics (Cooking): got detention for pissing off the teacher with the ignition switch on the stoves (after school detention)...
International Studies: We were watching Laurence of Arabia; pissed myself laughing at the opening scene where he stacks it on the motorbike (the whole class did; I got dicked with a lunchtime one... that teacher hated my guts for some weird reason)
Primary School Grade 3/4: Another teacher that hated my guts for some weird reason... forced me to fess up to something I didn't do; gave me 3 days detention and shamed me in front of the whole class for "lying" to her (only served one day detention but still got shamed, my mum got wind of it after that)... my mum schooled the shit out of her... she got formally reprimanded and shit (I wanted her head on a pike)... she hated me more after that, but, it was close to the end of year when it happened and I did not have to worry about having her again...
Think she hated me because I was mates with some dude that said some pretty anti-semitic shit about her one time (she was Jewish, well, her husband was)... not that I share those views