Im really worried and anxious about Year 11.
Don't worry, you are not the only one and it is a normal feeling
I hear people all the time say that they have to much work and its too hard.
This is probably due to the fact these people did not have good time management and wasn't prepared for the greater workload and higher expectations of year 11 compared to junior high school.
Can someone give some tips or help for year 11?
Check out my response to this thread:
It basically covers study tips for your science subjects(if you do any of the sciences, i.e biology, chemistry, physics), it has links to threads including my responses on how to maximise your marks in English advanced-can be applicable to English standard since what I am writing is about skills and study techniques, rather than specific modules. It has links to other threads where my response will tell you how to study efficiently and smart during the senior years-for both school term and your holiday. I think if you read through my response and go through my responses in the links within my responses, you will find a lot of tips to help ease the transition to senior high school
They ask me what subjects have I picked and then I tell them and they say it is to hard for me and to much but my teachers say that I can do it. Im so confused and its really getting to me.
Who cares about what other people think, care about what you think-HAVE FAITH IN YOUR ABILITIES, with PASSION, PERSEVERANCE and PERSISTENT OPTIMISTIC ATTITUDE you will be able to maximise your chance of achieving your ATAR aim/university course/marks you want. YOUR ATTITUDE DETERMINES an ENORMOUS part of your success over the next two years-never ever give up and give everything your best shot and you will be a winner
If you have any more questions-feel free to PM me-all my best wishes for your next two years-remember to not stressed out too much and smile