What if you can't supply the year 7 NAPLAN because you can't find them? Can you get away with it lol. Also if you have a pretty bad report (say 5As 3Bs and 2Cs for last year's yearly and a predicted 4As 3Bs and a C for this year's half yearly) will Extracurriculars (5 clubs, 2 ICAS Awards and 2 subject awards) combined with a presumably good mark on the test give me admission or at least a high reserve? How much more does the test weigh than the application and interview? Also, how many people try out compared to the number of vacancies? And lastly, is it better to submit your application online or through post? Sorry for all the questions I'm just determined to get in this year and can't take any chances

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Oooh...I don't know if you can "get away" with it. How on earth do you not have your NAPLAN results???!!! They're more important than you think. :/ I think the chances of you getting in with no NAPLAN results would be significantly reduced then (not to say that it's impossible to get in), because most, if not all, other candidates would have theirs in (I mean, it's a REQUIREMENT generally). LOOK EVERYWHERE FOR THEM!!!! If you're determined to get into a school this year, you very likely need them.
Generally, they say that heaps and heaps (like, hundreds) of people try out for maybe maximum 10-15 vacancies. It really varies, though, and no-one knows how many actually apply every year.
I believe they look at the test first, then if you're one of the top, they look at your application. If both are lookin' good, they'll call you up for an interview (sometimes they just give you a straight offer). Generally, you don't have to worry too much about the interview - from my experience, if you get one, you're pretty much in - they have all the enrolment stuff ready for you; you just have to make sure that you speak properly and don't sound like a liar or a dodgy person in general, and you're through!
There's no such thing as a "better" way to submit, I think. Just make sure it's before the deadline. I, personally, posted mine, and I got my parents to send an email to the school saying that I submitted. You need to send photocopies of your certificates, reports and stuff, so I'd say post is best, but then again, you can never be sure with post - what if they lose it/they're late to deliver? Plus, you have to pay a fee for postage. So IDK, up to you. But, I mean, if you're asking whether they're more likely to take you if you post or email, that's just ridiculous, and they would never define a potential candidate by the method they submit the application. But I'm sure that's not what you were asking.
I'm in the process of replying to your PM for your other questions. Hang on; it's a long one.