Business Studies or Legal Studies
Modern History or PDHPE
Legal Studies is higher scaling than Business Studies, so especially since you
are interested in law, I'd strongly recommend you to do it. I'm sure it's nothing like law (law is waaaaay harder; you have to write hella more essays, apparently), but it gives you a taster of the real thing. Anyway, you can switch it/drop it in Yr 12 if it's your weakest subject/you hate it (in which case, reconsider your career choice).
Modern History...well, in our school, MH has a pretty terrible teacher, and both my friends who took it dropped it after a couple of lessons. Especially since MH and Law don't really correlate much, and if you know that MH doesn't have any outstanding teachers, maybe just take PDHPE for a different type of subject. I know MH is different because it's a history, while the others are social sciences, but they are honestly still pretty similar (after all, history and social sciences fall under the umbrella of HSIE). It does get boring to have to study similar types of subjects, even if you love them (take it from me, I do 3 sciences (chose them cos science is pretty much my only consistently strong subject besides maths), and now they're my least favourite subjects of all; you need a variety sometimes). Again, just switch it after a couple of lessons (if you can) if you absolutely hate it, or else, wait till Yr 12 to decide whether to drop it (a whole 3 terms of the subject might lead you to love it). Yes, PDHPE is a science-y subject, but honestly, it's interesting - there're real-life applications to the theory (ok, I'm talking from 7-10 PDHPE experience, but shouldn't be
too different, right?) - and yes, you still really do need to get off your butt and go outside and do sports as part of practicals even in Yr 11. But the up-side is: if you pursue it in Yr 12, there is apparently NO SPORT (yes, that's right, you'll always get to sit in a classroom for your PDHPE lessons in Yr 12), so...something to look forward to, I guess?
Anyway, you still have PLENTY of time (a full 5-ish months, hopefully?) before you have to finalise your selections. Five months is actually a long time - you might go to a uni Open Day and find that medicine is indeed your new career goal; you might discover you like science despite the bad teachers; and, who knows, you might even end up hating Maths with the passion of a thousand burning suns (please try not to, though

). And remember, it's only Yr 11 next year, so you'll still have another 3 terms to find out exactly what you like. All I have to say is, choose subjects that you think will help you achieve your golden 95 ATAR (which are usually subjects you're good at and/or really like). And, again, have a
variety: it can do wonders for your motivation, I'm sure.
Oh, and to top off what everyone else here has been saying,
don't necessarily follow Drongoski's advice (no offence) about doing the "99.95 Formula" subjects, aka Phys, Chem, 4U Maths and 2U English just cos "everyone" does them or because they're high-scaling or just cos they'll meet the requirements for a STEM course, cos at the end of the day, if you hate them, and if you struggle in them, not only will you fail to achieve the much-coveted 99.95, but you won't even get 90. Anyway, you shouldn't want to do a STEM course in uni if you don't like science in the first place. So think twice before following trends - academics isn't a fashion show.
On a less serious note...
I don't even know the difference between the two religion courses lol.