Year 11 Subject Selection (1 Viewer)


Feb 8, 2017
Hey Guys,
We have subject selection coming up soon. I just wanted people to give me some input in what I should do.
I am finishing Extension 2 Maths this year anyway because I'm accelerated but it ill only count as 3 units in year 11 and hence I need only 9 out of 12 Units. Tell me what you think:
- Advanced English ------------ 2
- Extension 1 Maths (Year 11) --------- 3
- Physics ----------- 2
- Chemistry --------------2
- Photography --------- 1 (Fill subject that our school does not offer in year 12)

These are the ones I'm defenitely doing but then i need to choose between Biology, legal studies, business studies or economics. I plan to be on 10 Units in Year 12 and therefore I won't need any of those subjects so I will need one that isn't an overload of work and that i can get by with least amount of study. Please shed some light.


Premium Member
May 31, 2015
From what I'm getting you're doing 4 unit in year 10 (HSC)? Does that mean you've done 3 unit HSC or doing it this year too?

If you've done both, 3 unit and 4 unit each count as 2 units so you've done 4 units of your HSC


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
Hey Guys,
We have subject selection coming up soon. I just wanted people to give me some input in what I should do.
I am finishing Extension 2 Maths this year anyway because I'm accelerated but it ill only count as 3 units in year 11 and hence I need only 9 out of 12 Units. Tell me what you think:
- Advanced English ------------ 2
- Extension 1 Maths (Year 11) --------- 3
- Physics ----------- 2
- Chemistry --------------2
- Photography --------- 1 (Fill subject that our school does not offer in year 12)

These are the ones I'm defenitely doing but then i need to choose between Biology, legal studies, business studies or economics. I plan to be on 10 Units in Year 12 and therefore I won't need any of those subjects so I will need one that isn't an overload of work and that i can get by with least amount of study. Please shed some light.
Hell don't do bio; I do it, and it's a real waste of time if you're not even going to pursue it because it's just boring rote memorisation to the extreme unless you're a natural (having said that, I sort of like it and hope to pursue it in Yr 12 :p ). And it's hard to do it with common sense (simply because not that much of it is), and you'll just end up doing badly in it if you don't study, which makes it a burdensome subject if you're not planning on spending many hours on it. I mean, don't you think it's sad if you only do badly in the one subject that you knew you weren't even going to pursue? So just don't do it.

From what I've heard, business studies is "easy" and "mostly common sense". To justify these statements, it is (I think) the lowest scaled out of legal, business and eco. So go for it, I say. Eco is apparently full of endless content, and to make it worse, calculations, so steer clear of it. Don't know much about legal.

Good luck with 4U Maths, BTW...I think you'll need it. :)
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Active Member
Feb 25, 2017
Biology- try not to choose this subject because there's a lot of content to remember, even if your other choices have similar memorisation and rote-learning methods. Also it would mean you're doing triple science which means you will be hit with multiple assessments and exams within the same week before preliminary.

Legal Studies - provides a different perspective and is refresher subject to your maths and sciences subjects, who knows, might be good for you, I'm probably a bit bias in this, but I find it interesting and delves into different areas of law, prelim is legal system some other stuff, but warning the essays are extensive with those 25 markers. I wouldn't say this subject is hard to remember because some of it is kinda common sense but yeah it's up to you.

Business Studies - I think has a lot of memorisation to do and I don't know much on this but I remember asking my friends who chose this and claimed that this subject has more content than Economics and economics is hard enough, but don't let this deter you, you can choose it and maybe it'll complement your maths related subjects and what not.

Economics - just like bujolover, endless content and it's hard to remember, especially when in exams they don't care about your responses unless it is concept-specific, I came into my first topic test and thought I did alright and got hit with a 25.5/40 and only one person got above 90%. If you previously did commerce, economics I think, is most definitely not like commerce and there are apparently high expectations from your teachers. As of now my Economics notes have reached 20 pages, double sided too and the most of all my subjects. You can choose Eco but just beware of the constant work and note-taking you're going to have to take, which you're probably going to have to do if you're going to achieve good results in Economics. In saying that, it does scale quite well, as part of the Asian 5 subjects, but remember to never choose a subject based on its scaling and only if you're genuinely interested.

Good Luck for the future! (I saw this years grade 10 receiving their subject selection forms and though 'oh these poor things') but yeah hopefully you'll choose a subject you'll enjoy and succeed in. :)


Active Member
Feb 25, 2017
It's in my profile thingy but Advanced English, General Mathematics (I'm so bad at maths it's not even funny but at least General is hella easy), Bio, Legal, Modern and Eco, I plan on dropping one of my subjects between bio or Eco and picking history Extension but yeah it's a bit too early to start thinking what I should drop


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
Thanks for your reply.
My pleasure. :)

Would you mind me asking what subjects you're doing ? Thanks heaps :)
Oh, yeah, I do all three sciences, 3U Maths and 3U English (aka, the "Curry 5") (says in my profile like Frostguard). Don't do what I'm doing - it's insanely boring having to do 6 units of science (I'm only doing it because I don't know how to write essays and I've been consistently good at science from Years 7-10; plus, I'm going to do 2 sciences in Yr 12, and I want to have a choice as to which 2 to do) - and anyone else who tells you this is absolutely correct. :D This is partly why I strongly discouraged you from doing bio, since you're already certain on phys and chem.
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Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
Avalon Beach, NSW
Do not do biology, it is literally the worst subject that exists. I hate it so much that I'm not motivated to study for it. And I don't even care that I'm failing because I know I'll drop it by the end of prelims. The content is so fucking dry, just steer clear of it. :)

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Premium Member
May 31, 2015
Hell don't do bio; I do it, and it's a real waste of time if you're not even going to pursue it because it's just boring rote memorisation to the extreme unless you're a natural (having said that, I sort of like it and hope to pursue it in Yr 12 :p ). And it's hard to do it with common sense (simply because not that much of it is), and you'll just end up doing badly in it if you don't study, which makes it a burdensome subject if you're not planning on spending many hours on it. I mean, don't you think it's sad if you only do badly in the one subject that you knew you weren't even going to pursue? So just don't do it.

From what I've heard, business studies is "easy" and "mostly common sense". To justify these statements, it is (I think) the lowest scaled out of legal, business and eco. So go for it, I say. Eco is apparently full of endless content, and to make it worse, calculations, so steer clear of it. Don't know much about legal.

Good luck with 4U Maths, BTW...I think you'll need it. :)
I'm doing both bio and physics definitely has more content + the content is much more difficult to understand. M&G is all impacts on society and enviornment, I2I is all rote learning scientists and experiments, Q2Q is all memorising content, scientists, discoveries and nuclear equations. Legit the only module with application is space. But bio is also memorising like blueprint of life and search for better health...

Bio is a rote learning subject too but at least you can apply most stuff to everyday life which makes it way easier to remember (especially communication option topic) and is really effective for memorising stuff when you apply it to everyday life. You can't really apply neutrinos and positrons to everyday life you just have to read it 10 times and rote learn it

To be honest every science is all rote learning, and so is english

But yeah probably pick business studies out of those 4 options you gave it's the easiest of the 4
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Active Member
Feb 25, 2017
So you would recommend me take Legal I presume? I was planning on taking Legal anyway because i think it might be something i enjoy until the teacher actually threw me off she was like it isn't an easy subject and you have to do these essays and write this and that. Is that how it's really like?
Yeah of course, if you planned on taking Legal, go right ahead. Teachers say that sort of stuff as a warning and that you shouldn't bludge in content-based subjects. Sure there are essays to write, but then again, most subjects are like that, my previous legal assessment was my half Yearly and of course there's an essay in there but worth 10 marks, then my teacher made me do a little in class task which was 'assess the effectiveness of native title law reform' except it was 25 marks, but then again she told us that it's those sort of things you've done for the first time and that you shouldn't worry and guess what my next assessment is? An in class essay. Based off your subjects, Legal would really only be the subject with many essays compared to your Chemistry and Physics which don't necessarily test your essay-writing skills, but rather your ability to answer questions and get to the point. But yeah I think you should take Legal and you'll do fine in it, it's just like any other content-based subjects, multiple choice + short answer + extended response. I'm heavily biased towards this subject but you should definitely choose it if you want to refine your essay-writing skills and whatnot. :)


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
I'm doing both bio and physics definitely has more content + the content is much more difficult to understand. M&G is all impacts on society and enviornment, I2I is all rote learning scientists and experiments, Q2Q is all memorising content, scientists, discoveries and nuclear equations. Legit the only module with application is space. But bio is also memorising like blueprint of life and search for better health...

Bio is a rote learning subject too but at least you can apply most stuff to everyday life which makes it way easier to remember (especially communication option topic) and is really effective for memorising stuff when you apply it to everyday life. You can't really apply neutrinos and positrons to everyday life you just have to read it 10 times and rote learn it

To be honest every science is all rote learning, and so is english

But yeah probably pick business studies out of those 4 options you gave it's the easiest of the 4
Yes, but he is doing physics anyway, so no point trying to convince him not to do that. Besides, he shouldn't do 3 sciences when he has other options that he's interested in.

Please explain how English is a rote learning subject. I'm actually interested in knowing. :) That might make English less of a difficult subject if I take that approach.

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