it's so unfair to hav some schools accelerate and some don't tho! realli annoys me, where someone gets to do like 2 units or more of their HSC in yr 11 or sumthing.. and then they could just study 10 units the next yr =P and very likely they could ace the one in yr 11, with so much study time... y don't they just change it so we study a subject a yr in highschool? i'm sure we could grasp almost any subject studying 7 hrs a day,(around) 200 days a yr O_0
as with my exams marks.. i just got them back! and they're still raw marks.. went up in the subjects i did bad in half yearly and went down in those top subjects i did................... buttt i guess it's off topic now lolz, so i'll leave that there~
edit: i want to hav accelerated courses too!! ^^ too late now i guess