Tie between Chemistry and PhysicsPHysics' winning.
Tie between Chemistry and PhysicsPHysics' winning.
Chemistry is winning.Tie between Chemistry and Physics
Cause u are actually learning stuff that u didnt know before that existed right aroud you
I agree with your teacher in regards to History sucks and english is the biggest wastemy teacher also believes everything is due to physics. so i asked him what if there was no economists or economics there would be no money to fund physics and he leactured me for 10 minutes and i got owned lolz
he also believes english is the biggest waste and that all history teachers should be put in jail becvause they start all the wars
anyways more on topic
physics much harder than bio but also more enjoyable due to the challenge and the cool knowledge that you can use in everyday life
haha ewww physicshaha ewww chem. id much rather die than do either chem or physics. yuckk!