Another true blue 'strayan' complaining about internationals cos he couldn't get into his most desired course.
Well how about you 'true blue' (pretty much a euphemism for anglo used by anglo's to exclude non ethnics, whilst remaining polically correct ) strayan's get of your ass, and study for once and stop complaining about non anglo aussie's (cos their Aust. citizens) and international students taking your uni places. Obviously there are hard working Anglo's that work their butts of to get into uni, having said that there seems to be a majority/minority that cbf studying, party all day, fuck all day, get pissed... and do shit in the hsc and then complain about how non anglo's (non true blue's) take their uni places, that their grand parents paid taxes for... Party after the hsc duh...
Stop complaining... sure there are plenty of internationals, but they also work their asses of to get there, and work to stay in the system and pay exorbitant fees. Most end up getting their PR's and end up paying taxes for the next 40 odd years... i think it levels out?
As for non-anglo non true blue aussies - ethnics in Oz, their Aust. citizens they may not be white, but their Australians, they work their asses of too, not all but most do...
There seems to be this massive inequality of places i do admit that, i mean since when was the last time you saw an asian/curry/whateva line up for tafe apprentiships so that they can become plumbers/bricklayers/sparkies (i do respect them) its extremely rare, all these careers are being left up to true-blues. All these hard labour jobs are for anglos, white collar work is left for the true blues that can be bothered studying (fair few) and asians, whether they be citizens or internationals...
Just because your anglo doesn't give you a guarantee to get into uni courses, even though your grandparents (god bless them) or parents paid for them through their taxes it doesn't happen, nor should it happen.
You get into uni/whateva based on merit, not on your ethnicity... stop complaining and start working hard... then you can actually eliminate most of the ethnos you look down upon