what i never understood about harry potter was this, you know how Lord Voldemort could not kill Harry because his mother loved him? Does that mean the others 1000s of wizards who were killed throughout the events of Harry Potter ALL HAD UNLOVING PARENTS???!!!!!! WTF!!!
I was wondering the same thing

so i finally researched it and found an answer

- It was because of the prophecy! (I also wanna add that if your wondering: "What proffessy??" - it is the one in the order of the phoenix book/movie.):
"It was because of the prophecy that was made. It was made by Professor Sybill Trelawney, and Snape unfortunately overheard it. And of course, he reported it to Voldemort. (he was EVIILL at the time, lol)
The Prophecy stated that a boy born in the end of july would have powers to match his own, and a power that he didn't know of.
The prophecy:
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born as the seventh month dies... Born to those who thrice defied him... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal.. but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.. and either must die and the hands of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with power the vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the sevnth month dies."
That could mean either James and Lilly Potter's son or Frank and Alice Longbottom son (Neville).
As both of them thrice defied the dark Lord, and both Harry and Neville were born in the end of July.
But like the prophecy said, Lord Voldemort would mark his as his "equal". He thought that Harry Potter being a half-blood like himself, was more of a threat. And when he tried to kill Harry Potter, he chose him, he marked HIM as his equal, not Neville. And he tried to make a final horcrux out of Harry Potter. Why? Probably to make a point that no one could defeat him, or to overcome an enemy before he became a real threat. And let's not forget that Snape never heard the WHOLE prophecy. Only Dumbledore did.
But, we know what happens. Lilly Potter steps in front, and doesn't let Voldemort kill Harry Potter, this being the part of the prophecy: "but he will have power the dark lord knows not", Harry Potter has the power of love protecting him. Something that Voldemort's shattered and dark soul, does NOT have. His mother gave him this, when she died for him.
So when Voldemort tried to do the Avada Kevadra on Harry Potter, it backfired horribly, and caused the scar in Harry. And again, when he did this, he marked him as his "equal" and passed a bunch of his powers to Harry, and created somewhat of a bond, because Harry IS the last Horcrux. Voldemort was the one that determined who the prophecy would be about, as it could have been either Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom."
- A. RS (Yahoo Answers)
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