Zeitgeist: Moving forward | official release | 2011 (1 Viewer)


Jan 6, 2011
No you haven't you fucking liar

you can't refute a single thing in that video, as evidenced by the fact you just parrot the exact same things that are in the zeitgeist film

on a free market no one is stopping you and your worker buddies from making your own firms.No, the banks don't try and "oppress" you and keep you from becoming wealthy (by not giving you a loan to start such a business). All the bank cares about is profit. If such a firm would be profitable, as you seem to think it would, then they'd be happy to invest in it.

anyway, it's fucking great "workers" don't manage firms (ignoring the fact that most "capitalists" work longer hours than 'workers').

I don't want the livelihoods of millions of millions of people resting upon the decisions of a bunch of labourers who don't know anything about finance, economics or management.

and its not even the best thing for the workers.
"derp well our company is haemorrhaging money because we have no idea how to run a large-scale business, and as a result thousands of people will soon be out of a job, and there will be less goods and services entering the economy, but I don't care! at least the evil capitalists don't manage it!"

Further, companie are owned by shareholders. I've never earned above minimum wage in my live and I live away from home and I still own thousands of shares in companies.

No, the government owns the "environment", as so no one has any incentive to preserve it. Tragedy of the commons. Look it up.
It's just one of an endless list of things that can be solved by private property.

Primarily in african countries where private property rights are nearly non-existent.

which is why we should get rid of the state.

And no corporations aren't going to start wars.

Hundreds of corporations would have to pull their profits to be even remotely afford anything resembling the Iraq war, and it wouldn't even be profitable for them because the people who profit from the iraq war aren't spending their own money, they have a practically endless supply of taxpayer money they can piss away into it without any personal cost.

which is why we should get rid of the state.

It's amazing how you could possibly be so wrong. Nothing you criticise the free market for is the fault of the free market.
I am not criticizing this alleged but seemingly never existent free market, I am criticizing the plethora of inefficiencies that are laced into capitalism. It seems to me we are both trying to bring back the free market, that way you can live in your little town where everyone has to buy all of their own tools, and I can live in mine where everyone has free unlimited access to all tools for significantly less money per person. You can view life as a bunch of disconnected apes, and I can be free to view cities as mere braincells. Its amazing how you could pull so many things I didn't at all say out of what I said. I never criticized the free market, simply capitalism, and especially this sickest form of capitalism of how things are now where fraud and crime are the norms and not the exceptions.

To me, only a fool could not see that if something radical isn't done super soon we are all totally fucked. As in you will starve to death in your own home in the next decade.

@ Rothbard

Also, 9/11 was an inside Job! It blows my mind how you could see film of building 7 just randomly exploding completely into dust 7 hours after the second plane hit even though it wasn't and think "yup nothing unusual or wrong here". It blows my mind that it doesn't bother you that the government only needs to release some documents that it illegally siezed to end all pof this conspiracy stuff but then just doesn't. You really think they would be so cruel to the families of all of those people if they had nothing to hide? You really believe that conspiracy theories are insane, yet assert that all 1,464 verified architectural and engineering professionals of http://www.ae911truth.org/ conspired to fabricate evidence just so they can be viewed as insane and sell free DVDs? Have you even looked at the recent evidence of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8wSquKIBog ??? I feel like you are like 8 years behind in this whole 911 truth thing and are still looking at only the 100 or so reasons besides hard evidence of controlled demolitions,, but just to appease the harshest skeptic the focus has shifted to nothing but proving the use of controlled demolitions and demanding an unbiased and independent investigation. If they have nothing to hide why wouldn't they just let this happen and put the 30-50% of Americans who think it was our government mind's at ease? It would be SO easy to simply say "we allow an independent investigation." That is all anyone wants.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
I am not criticizing this alleged but seemingly never existent free market, I am criticizing the plethora of inefficiencies that are laced into capitalism.
though you never actually specify what you mean by 'capitalism'

It seems to me we are both trying to bring back the free market, that way you can live in your little town where everyone has to buy all of their own tools, and I can live in mine where everyone has free unlimited access to all tools for significantly less money per person.
Probably the best thing you'veever said. If you want your little socialist utopia, I couldn't care less and won't try and stop you. Just don't force me to have anything to do with it.

Of course, you can't have "unlimited access" to necessarily scarce resources, and of course central planning necessarily can't work, so your town will probably fail miserably.

You can view life as a bunch of disconnected apes, and I can be free to view cities as mere braincells.

The free market is more social than socialism. In our system, things work by way of emergent social networks. Yours works by way of magical centralised computer robots.

simply capitalism, and especially this sickest form of capitalism of how things are now where fraud and crime are the norms and not the exceptions.
Again, "capitalism". Propoganda term.

To me, only a fool could not see that if something radical isn't done super soon we are all totally fucked. As in you will starve to death in your own home in the next decade.
I've been saying for at least the past 6 months that america and subsequently the world is headed for a depression within the decade.

Though, I (am working towards having) valuable skills that will be especially profitable during an inflationary depression, and am converting a majority of my monetary assests into precious metals, so I should be relatively safe.
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Active Member
Feb 3, 2010
Also, 9/11 was an inside Job! It blows my mind how you could see film of building 7 just randomly exploding completely into dust 7 hours after the second plane hit even though it wasn't and think "yup nothing unusual or wrong here". It blows my mind that it doesn't bother you that the government only needs to release some documents that it illegally siezed to end all pof this conspiracy stuff but then just doesn't. You really think they would be so cruel to the families of all of those people if they had nothing to hide? You really believe that conspiracy theories are insane, yet assert that all 1,464 verified architectural and engineering professionals of http://www.ae911truth.org/ conspired to fabricate evidence just so they can be viewed as insane and sell free DVDs? Have you even looked at the recent evidence of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8wSquKIBog ??? I feel like you are like 8 years behind in this whole 911 truth thing and are still looking at only the 100 or so reasons besides hard evidence of controlled demolitions,, but just to appease the harshest skeptic the focus has shifted to nothing but proving the use of controlled demolitions and demanding an unbiased and independent investigation. If they have nothing to hide why wouldn't they just let this happen and put the 30-50% of Americans who think it was our government mind's at ease? It would be SO easy to simply say "we allow an independent investigation." That is all anyone wants.
hahahah confirmed troll thanks for playing mate


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
jews did 9/11 zionist zogs false flag operation mossad!1!!!!!


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
What an incredibly unsophisticated vulgar Marxist analysis. Hegelian dialectics, technological fetish, extreme anti-empiricism, an extremely crude Smithian interpretation of productive and unproductive labour, all the hallmarks are there. Sapolsky is a genius and it's a shame that he got mixed up with this rubbish. Those communists probably conned him.
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Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
dem jewls are controlling our minds bring out the tinfoils!


Liberty Matrix
Jul 22, 2008
after watching that

we wore tin foil hats for a weekend true story


Planarian Leader
Jun 3, 2010
The worst socialists are the post-scarcity ones. Shit is retarded. At least I can see some reasoning if resources are scarce


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
The worst socialists are the post-scarcity ones. Shit is retarded. At least I can see some reasoning if resources are scarce
I'd argue that post-scarcity and scarcity-incorporating socialism are just as bad as each other. They're both fantastical thought exercises with no empirical basis. The former is based either on the notion of a) technological and cultural revolution eliminating scarcity, or b) that scarcity is a farce. The latter is always based on the notion that humans could possibly implement an objective and collectivised system of allocating resources that bypasses individual choice, and that it's possible to aggregate individual preferences and wants without a price mechanism acting as a referential anchor.

tl;dr they're both equally retarded thought exercises. Only natural resources (especially land) should be public property. If the produce of labour isn't private property then shit just goes crazy. The Russian revolution is a great example of this. It's ironic that to garner labour party and peasant support, Lenin promised to reallocate all/most of the arable land to the peasantry - allocating PRIVATE property. It wasn't perfect but agriculture dramatically improved, until the forced collectivization of agriculture under Stalin.
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Liberty Matrix
Jul 22, 2008
There are some valid elements to post-scarcity thinking, but to imagine that you've suddenly got a utopian marxism is beyond ridiculous

if anything a post-scarcity society would just lead to greater mutual interdependence


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
There are some valid elements to post-scarcity thinking, but to imagine that you've suddenly got a utopian marxism is beyond ridiculous

if anything a post-scarcity society would just lead to greater mutual interdependence
I don't deny there are valid elements to post-scarcity thinking, but I'm quite certain that if we find ourselves in a post-scarcity world, it will be through an organic/heuristic process that had nothing to do with previous thinking.

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