For section 1, all you gotta need to know are literary + visual techniques
heres something i found on bos the other day, its good for literary techniques:
And when answering questions, first identify the technique, secondly quote the section of text that utilises that particular language feature and thirdly explain the effect of this quote - that is, how it works to create meaning in relation to belonging
Just remember: I S E
I= identify
S= support
E= explain
The amount of marks allocated to a question is generally the amount of ISE's you need to write down (i.e. 1 mark qu = 1 ISE analysis, 3 mark qu = 3 ISE analysis')
Just some extra points when answering section 1 qus:
- Always start off by composing a sentence that makes an overall comment about 1,2 or all 3 of the texts (depending on the qu)
- If a qu asks you to choose 1 or 2 texts to discuss, compose a brief sentence in which you dismiss the other texts & validate the effectiveness of the chosen text(s)
- Comment on the form of each of the texts that enables the composer to artriculate/communicate the insight/idea referenced in the qu
- Don't forget to compose a closing statement that moves smoothly to draw both the texts and your analysis into one concluding insight/idea, again in response to the qu.
Also, normally the 5 & 6 marker qus revolve around:
- Explain how any 2 of these texts represent...
- By comparing and contrasting these texts, analyse how...
- Justifying your answer, which 1 of these 3 texts most effectively...
- Evaluate which 2 of these 3 texts most effectively...
Theres your crash course in section 1 stuff

I think everyone's left for school anyway now lol >.>