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Does God exist? (14 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
There is one piece of evidence that cements my faith in an almighty being, in my case God, And that is the human eye. It defies probability, darwins evolution and comprehension.

That such a complex body organ could be created is amazing, darwin himself cannot understand how it came to be. Also contemplate the fact that this world is placed just so that life is sustainable, closer and it wouldv been to hot, further away and it wouldv been to far.

The natural mysteries of this world defy chance, they could only have been constructed by an omnipotent being.

BTW religion holds onto the morals that are being quickly lost in this world, a cornerstone of people behaving morally and just.
Lol, are you serious? The eye? That's your argument?

Evolution of the eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EDIT: And many other animals, particularly predators, have better eyes than we do. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW


Oct 7, 2008
Re: Was Mohammed the false prophet Jesus warned of?

brontecat said:
such as...
like salvation ( the major differences between Protestants and catholics):
Catholics: good works
Christians:grace alone

The structure of the church: an infallible person, at the top, a leader on earth is what the catholics have, this is not the same for every other christian church, this includes the roles of priests

the priests ability to forgive sins, is something you will not find in any other christian church ( i could be wrong on this, i know in most other churches this is not the case) and this is because it has no biblical grounds

beliefs about the eucharist ( a major part of the catholic faith) and in particular transubstantiation.

Beliefs about the after life like purgatory, although this does not have any biblical grounds

beliefs about mary


Oct 21, 2008
where i live
Re: Was Mohammed the false prophet Jesus warned of?

like salvation ( the major differences between Protestants and catholics):
Catholics: good works
Christians:grace alone

The structure of the church: an infallible person, at the top, a leader on earth is what the catholics have, this is not the same for every other christian church, this includes the roles of priests

the priests ability to forgive sins, is something you will not find in any other christian church ( i could be wrong on this, i know in most other churches this is not the case) and this is because it has no biblical grounds

beliefs about the eucharist ( a major part of the catholic faith) and in particular transubstantiation.

Beliefs about the after life like purgatory, although this does not have any biblical grounds

beliefs about mary
In regards to salvation i, as a catholic, believe that having a belief in God and his son Jesus is the most important source of salvation. I see God as a father and if i were to think my dad i'm certain that he would always be there for me - even when i have made mistakes. However, i do believe that in some cases this is not enough, particularly those that 'take away the innocence of a child' with no remorse - this (to me) is obviously the sort of behaviour that would be deemed unsuitable or unworthy.
This would also be the part, that i as a catholic, struggle with as i am quiete clearly being judgemental. I have no right to judge, Jesus never came to Earth to judge - that is ultimately reserved as a job for our heavenly father.

The Pope is designated to be the leader of the church, not as an infallible person (nobody is perfect) but rather as someone who can give guidance and hope to millions of other Catholics around the world. We assign 'leaders' or priests within dioceses to again give structure and an uniformity to catholicism. Priests are there to devote their lives to God, they anoint the sick, preach about God and play an active role in the community by bringing it together and encouraging people to act like a community.

Priests have the ability to forgive sins because it was something Jesus himself gave them the power to do
MArk 16:15-19
"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover."
If they (the disciples) were given so much power, to even cast out devils what is to say that the disciples did not have the right to forgive sins. This is a tradition that was passed on to other catholic leaders through the years.

The Eucharist is particularly important because it is a reminder for us of Jesus' last passover, the night before he died. It symbolises Jesus saying "This is my body, this is my blood" and reminds us of the sacrifice he gave for us - to save out sins hence the transubstination again he said to his disciples "This is my body that has been given up for you".
This must have been important to Jesus because he promised the disciples that the next time he would share a meal like this would be with them in heaven.

Im not too sure about purgatory.

We honour Mary because she was chosen as the Mother of God. God didn't just go 'let me pick a random person to carry my only son' he said Mary is a good person who i will give the option to have the highest offer of being able to carry and raise my son as a good Jewish boy and man. He knew that she would be able to raise him the way that was needed with her betrothed Joseph and that they would be suitable parents for his son.
I feel that if God revered her so much to choose her, and that Jesus respected her so much that she was responsible for his first known miracle (refilling the wine at a wedding) that we too should have reverence and respect for her.


May 31, 2008
Birrong, Sydney
Uni Grad
If GOD did exist, why are people dying, killing others and themselves, thought god is good, or is he the devil? huh?..and anyway, God does not exist..

Why live and sin and expect to face the punishment after we die? should we do something bad and pay the price now?, seriously, live for yourself, and face the consequences now, not after death.

God cannot exist, seriously, anyone ACTUALLY see god?
The Bible was written by PEOPLE, not GOD, god is just a faith, he isn't real, anyone who chooses to believe the god, may so, but dont go enforcing it on others, and BLOODY DONT GO SAYING SCIENCE IS EVIL!!!, GOD COULD BE EVIL TOO...ever thought of that?? HUH..*angry*

anywhoo, believe in something that evidence and proof are presented to us, like science, it can cure us of diseses, illnesses, and help us, and especially technology, any one WHO HATES SCIENCE SHOULD NOT EVEN USE TECHNOLOGY, HYPOCRITES!!!

more of my arguement coming up later:) *dinner*


Apr 7, 2009
Teh Interwebz
why does bad stuff hapen?, because of the fall, and god lets it happen so he can find who truelly would believe without proof!


Oct 21, 2008
where i live
If GOD did exist, why are people dying, killing others and themselves, thought god is good, or is he the devil? huh?..and anyway, God does not exist..

Why live and sin and expect to face the punishment after we die? should we do something bad and pay the price now?, seriously, live for yourself, and face the consequences now, not after death.

God cannot exist, seriously, anyone ACTUALLY see god?
The Bible was written by PEOPLE, not GOD, god is just a faith, he isn't real, anyone who chooses to believe the god, may so, but dont go enforcing it on others, and BLOODY DONT GO SAYING SCIENCE IS EVIL!!!, GOD COULD BE EVIL TOO...ever thought of that?? HUH..*angry*

anywhoo, believe in something that evidence and proof are presented to us, like science, it can cure us of diseses, illnesses, and help us, and especially technology, any one WHO HATES SCIENCE SHOULD NOT EVEN USE TECHNOLOGY, HYPOCRITES!!!

more of my arguement coming up later:) *dinner*
Has anyone actually seen the big bang? no.
Has anyone seen Jesus? yes. Jesus who is God, the Holy Spirit and Himself.

Since when has doing something bad not involved some sort of punishment or guilt trip - there are consequences for everything we do.

Why do people kill, die etc... because God loved and respected us so much that he gave us choice, the choice to make our OWN decisions. People abused that Adam and Eve ate the 'forbidden' fruit people choose to kill others - sometimes through the temptation of a 'fallen angel' who will ultimately lose the battle but won't go down without a fight.

People know God is there. Take my cousin for example, lets call her Amelia.
Amelia is four years old and attended my brothers baptism, i took her up to the Priest to receive a blessing. A concept that she did not understand at all "Is it [the blessing] in your pocket? It's in your hands isn't it?"
However she did ask me who is Jesus? She told me that she knew Jesus was already was a good person who lots of people liked and came to this place every week. She told me he was a good person. Coming from a person who has no external religious influences, coming from a family who does not regularly attend church nor have any real belief in God or Jesus, yet here she was telling me that he was a good person that everyone knew.
Just something to think about. Sorry if it made no sense but there was a point in there somewhere.


May 31, 2008
Birrong, Sydney
Uni Grad
STFU. KRudd has directly spoken to God. Dont you believe in our PM? huh? seriously, you're a shit patriot.

Dont call me that, dont be rude, i never called you that..

anywho, one more argument.

God possesses power, special abilities, then explain why the heck Magic is regarded as evil, there are so many similarities in these powers, then why is God saying Magic is evil???..huh?. hypocrite..anywhoo.. end of argument, who says i dont believe in god, if god exists, awesome:)!!


Dont babies come out of a woman??..seriously, its so wrong that eve came out from adam's ribs??..seriously,, how much can god become so sexists, god can be a female..ever thought of that.. adam's ribs, such blasphemy, seriously..babies a given birth to by females, not males, so..how accurate and fair is god?..lets make men the domination of the world, why cant women be too?..
Last edited:


Oct 21, 2008
where i live
God possesses power, special abilities, then explain why the heck Magic is regarded as evil, there are so many similarities in these powers, then why is God saying Magic is evil???..huh?. hypocrite..anywhoo.. end of argument, who says i dont believe in god, if god exists, awesome:)!!
Who has regarded magic as evil? Magic to me is generally special little tricks that have something behind them that makes them work, like a card trick.

Also i would be especially interested in a response to my previous response in response to your original post aka before dinner :)


May 31, 2008
Birrong, Sydney
Uni Grad
Who has regarded magic as evil? Magic to me is generally special little tricks that have something behind them that makes them work, like a card trick.

Also i would be especially interested in a response to my previous response in response to your original post aka before dinner :)
umm..okay lemme refine that..

magic as in Wiccan, Christianitiy vs. Wiccan..seriously, religion v.s religion, bit off isnt it, when both religion posess elements on each other's powers and belief...

okay.. I hope this whole threaad is friendly, i do hope that god is real, sometimes, i lose faith, alot..seriously, dont life that fact that people are murdering, terrorists and just the fact of famine, starvation, etc..horrible..

Well, your sister is good example..she does refine and spell out what is belief and faith. I just dont like the fact that god posses special powers, and all that.
Why cant Jesus just be a man that was admired, awesome, and well, good. Why does he have be be divined, and all that magical?..why cant he have a family and live happy as we all are?..getting married isnt bad?..same as the concept matrimony. He is a good man, but not divine, and heavenly, and not definitely god. He's only special as he is a good man, who lived and helped people. Seriously...resurrected??..seriously, if god could do that, why can't he do that to extremely good people?..he did that to himself, thus, why are good people also dying?..innocent people..

anywhoo..im trying to be nice here, i respect religion, because faith is a good thing, and i lost my faith, i respect religion, but there are ideas and theology about religion that seems too much to comprehend.


Feb 18, 2008
Pine Gapp - insanitarium section
Who has regarded magic as evil? Magic to me is generally special little tricks that have something behind them that makes them work, like a card trick.

Also i would be especially interested in a response to my previous response in response to your original post aka before dinner :)
Ever heard of the supernatural - it does exist to a certain extent. Evil "magic" comes from the devil - hence evil.

i'd like to get into this debate but don't feel up to it atm.

God exists - prove me wrong :)


Oct 21, 2008
where i live

Dont babies come out of a woman??..seriously, its so wrong that eve came out from adam's ribs??..seriously,, how much can god become so sexists, god can be a female..ever thought of that.. adam's ribs, such blasphemy, seriously..babies a given birth to by females, not males, so..how accurate and fair is god?..lets make men the domination of the world, why cant women be too?..
why is it so wrong? God made man then realised he needed a companion - he wanted them to have some sort of common ground so he took a rib. God is the heavenly Father. He made man in his own image. (before he made woman)
Think back to early days of the Bible, woman was punished - she would have pain in childbirth and always be below man who was to serve woman and would suffer at the hands of the land.
Man was made to deal with women and hardwork.


May 31, 2008
Birrong, Sydney
Uni Grad
Ever heard of the supernatural - it does exist to a certain extent. Evil "magic" comes from the devil - hence evil.

i'd like to get into this debate but don't feel up to it atm.

God exists - prove me wrong :)
omg, you're seriously..lol..

good point about the supernatural though.. :)

im tired, and the more i put out many more of my arguments, i feel like a jerk, don't want to ruin people's faith to a certain extent, better go and do my homework now:) OMG..Shakespeare's Othello..blah..i have to analyse a soliliquy..great....>.< ..have fun proving someone wrong about 'god not existing' later..soemone will sooner or later put in their argument..funny enough, this debate 'Does God exist' has been going on thousands of years..how strange, that tis debate will never end... until proven wrong or right. :)


May 31, 2008
Birrong, Sydney
Uni Grad
why is it so wrong? God made man then realised he needed a companion - he wanted them to have some sort of common ground so he took a rib. God is the heavenly Father. He made man in his own image. (before he made woman)
Think back to early days of the Bible, woman was punished - she would have pain in childbirth and always be below man who was to serve woman and would suffer at the hands of the land.
Man was made to deal with women and hardwork.
Good argument, but why does the man come first before the women, sexist. Im also a bit of a feminism..(heh)


Feb 18, 2008
Pine Gapp - insanitarium section
umm..okay lemme refine that..

magic as in Wiccan, Christianitiy vs. Wiccan..seriously, religion v.s religion, bit off isnt it, when both religion posess elements on each other's powers and belief...

okay.. I hope this whole threaad is friendly, i do hope that god is real, sometimes, i lose faith, alot..seriously, dont life that fact that people are murdering, terrorists and just the fact of famine, starvation, etc..horrible..

Well, your sister is good example..she does refine and spell out what is belief and faith. I just dont like the fact that god posses special powers, and all that.
Why cant Jesus just be a man that was admired, awesome, and well, good. Why does he have be be divined, and all that magical?..why cant he have a family and live happy as we all are?..getting married isnt bad?..same as the concept matrimony. He is a good man, but not divine, and heavenly, and not definitely god. He's only special as he is a good man, who lived and helped people. Seriously...resurrected??..seriously, if god could do that, why can't he do that to extremely good people?..he did that to himself, thus, why are good people also dying?..innocent people..

anywhoo..im trying to be nice here, i respect religion, because faith is a good thing, and i lost my faith, i respect religion, but there are ideas and theology about religion that seems too much to comprehend.

If Jesus was a simple man who just lead a good life then it would defeat the purpose of his coming down to earth - to die for humanities sins. And if he was totally "human" why should we consider him as holy and worship him?
Also according to the Bible there are 2 people in heaven who have not been "judged" (as in the final judgement between heaven and "hell" - eternal death) Enoch and Moses. :)


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
Who has regarded magic as evil?
Exodus 22:18- Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Deuteronomy 18:10-11- There shall not be found among you anyone ....that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

Revelation 21:8 describes groups of people that will automatically be sent to hell. Among them is listed "sorcerers".

Galatians 5:19-20 describes sorcery as sinful.

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