If GOD did exist, why are people dying, killing others and themselves, thought god is good, or is he the devil? huh?..and anyway, God does not exist..
Why live and sin and expect to face the punishment after we die? should we do something bad and pay the price now?, seriously, live for yourself, and face the consequences now, not after death.
God cannot exist, seriously, anyone ACTUALLY see god?
The Bible was written by PEOPLE, not GOD, god is just a faith, he isn't real, anyone who chooses to believe the god, may so, but dont go enforcing it on others, and BLOODY DONT GO SAYING SCIENCE IS EVIL!!!, GOD COULD BE EVIL TOO...ever thought of that?? HUH..*angry*
anywhoo, believe in something that evidence and proof are presented to us, like science, it can cure us of diseses, illnesses, and help us, and especially technology, any one WHO HATES SCIENCE SHOULD NOT EVEN USE TECHNOLOGY, HYPOCRITES!!!
more of my arguement coming up later
