on a recent episode of famous talk show oprah, it was in celebration of american national siblings day. Along with other guests such as conjoined twins and sextuplets was the huckaby’s – a family with eight siblings, five boys and three girls.
the huckaby siblings were raised in a devout catholic family in southern u.s.a. "all you had to do was walk in the house to know it. You saw statues of jesus and mary and joseph and a whole bunch of saints," brother jody says. Four of the five huckaby brothers shared a secret – they were all gay. Jason huckaby was the first to come out and he did so in 1985 by writing his family a letter, his brother jonathon says the parents were “not pleased”.
"even though it was very scary, i trusted that there was enough of a solid foundation there that it would eventually be a safe thing for me to do, to come out to my family," jason says. As jason’s brothers jody and jonathon grew up it became clear to them that they too were gay, "if only we had been able to talk about it. There were no parameters. We went to catholic school, and you certainly didn't talk about that with the nuns,” jody states. Seeing their parents reaction to jason’s coming out made jody and jonathon nervous about revealing their sexuality, but doing so was inevitable.
some of their fellow siblings found it difficult to accept the lifestyle their brothers had now entered. The only heterosexual male brother, jude first believed his siblings had chosen to be gay though, after the fourth brother coming out he realised there must be an element of nature in there “this can’t be a choice. This has to be… the way they were born,” he says. It took their sister jann more than a year to finally accept her brothers’ decision; at first, she did not want them around her children fearing they might “influence” them. She says she “started praying about it” and that she realized she “did not need to judge” she “needed to love.”
jody huckaby is now the executive director of parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays know as pflag. He believes this organization helped his mother to come to terms with the fact that she has four gay children. "for me, it's sort of a full-circle experience, because all these years later, i'm running this national organization, and it's for parents, it's for family members and friends and straight allies to deal with these issues," he says.