Right. So we, the creation of God, created in his image, the work of his omniscience and omnipotence, we shouldn't question anything, or even flatter ourselves into discussing or thinking we can discuss his existance? Your God is sounding a little like Orwell's Big Brother.
And talk about promoting your views! Insult people on the basis of their religion, or lack of, wtf? There's a lovely little scale wrought up by Dawkins (yes, Dawkins, antichrist, devils-advocate, blah blah) which goes from one to seven (If I remeber corectly, feel free to correct me!

), and rates religious or irreligious conviction. 4 is agnosticism, 2 and 3, and ,5 and 6, are atheism and faith respectively, however 1 and 7 are atheism and faith in their extreme, ie, no matter what evidence is presented to the contrary, they won't change their views. I am a 2 or 3. Adopting your attitude of prejudice, I'd assume you were a 7. Yes? (Hope this scale may add to some discussion some time in the future!)
Anyway, yes, stop being so angry and explosive.