you will look stunning, dw
ill ask my dad for the fotos and ill upload them on here

i think i said this before but yeah my dad chose both my outfits against my will lol..normally he picks shit that is suitable for 80 year old women +
but that time when me and him went shopping my mum warned him not to choose any elderly shit, so yeah he picked out young people stufff hahaha..
(shouldnt have gotten dresed at my gran's place though, my grandparents saw how short the dress is when i sit down...+ cleavage ..wasnt too much clevage at all, but it was still some cleavage and my grandparents are proper muslims lol so they were like you shouldnt go out like that..wear a jacket!!!! and my dad was like hell no!! she aint wearin no jacket on dat dress BOOM!)
our formals werent really formal formal...and shit people at my school are all crap, no one dressed up properly to their formals.
so yeah the first formal was sort of a school dinner and we were told to dress up "smart fuckin casual" and i was like hell no! so i bought this really pretty red cue dress...the material and print is just s beautiful..unfortunately the dresses that i could choose from were limited considering how i have light acne on my back which i would rather not yeah it was closed from the back, knee length but it hugged my curves fantastically...(its in that post pics of urself thread)
but when i sat down the dress went up a loooot....and the crazy perve that had been touching my legs all year was sitting next to me at my formal and that made things even more awkward..(i got a marriage proposal that night...from him...ewwww)
at my other formal, my friends and i went down to the city, i wore a stunning very delicate top from pilgrim and i wore a very fitted black skirt with amazing set of toony bianco heels.
BUT i would have so wanted to dress up like really dressy to my formal...a whole gown and everything (i love trains yeah i would have wanted something like that *sobs* it sucks shit that we didnt have a proper formal formal)
but im looking forward to going to the uni ball and law ball in upcoming years..