lmaooo yeah slapped him in the middle of our ipt lesson one day...
he was like "nice legs" and he was stroking them cos i used to sit next to him
and i just snapped and i was like dont fucking touch my legs!!!!
and i slapped him so hard..
the teacher didnt say anything..
but a few days later when i saw my teacher outside the school gates, he stopped me and he was like amani, i need to talk to you, you havent been yourself for the past few months in ipt, why? you used to be so enthusiastic and bubbly and now you just seem so upset and depressed and unmotivated.
and i was like well sir, there are a few reasons, family issues this year have really got me down, the stress of my love life, and certain things that have happened in ipt, the fact is sir, the dude sitting next to me has been touchingmy legs all term and i just cant take it anymore, i lost control sir and im really sorry.
he was like omg, you should have told me somethign earlier on, he could get expelled for that, thats sexual harrassment
and i said, no sir i dont want anyone to get expelled, that would be unneccesary, im sure ive established some ground now
and he was like well okay, but if you need anything, naything at all please talk to me..
even if you just feel like talking to someone, you can pop into my office any time you like okay Amani? and i was like yeah

AND THEN BOOM marriage proposal at the end of the year...i was like fuck no