So, I am supremely surprised and very, very disappointed in my marks and ATAR, and honestly dont know what happened. Only thing im happy as fk in is english haha, no idea how in the hell I managed 84, since I wrote 5 essays off the cuff 3 days before english and did not get them checked or anything, just thought "English, you can go screw yourself bitch, I aint wasting time perfecting these essays"
anyway here is situation for everything else, can someone pls explain, and can I get this fixed or what the fuck went wrong, I mean srsly...
Maths extension 1: I checked entire exam with carrotsticks solutions, and including ONLY the questions where I got 100% the full answer out, I got minimum score of 56/70. But there were other questions where I messed up the tiniest thing right at the end, but got 90% of working out done, and it total I calculated I should be getting 62/70. Afaik this should be more than 91 exam mark which I got? (Since I was ranked 2nd got an 87 assessment mark fml -_-) I feel like a retardate ffs, not getting B6 in the easiest course at school for me.
Maths extension 2: Now this is seriously fucking shocking, I also ONLY considered the questions where I got 100% solution correct, that equated to 66/100. Found 4 extras which I was told I would get, for 70/100. I got exam and assessment mark of SEVENTY NINE (79). Can someone explain, how the fuck is this possible? NO WAY IN HELL I got less than 66!! I GOT THE FULL FUCKING ANSWER for 66 marks, how can I get any lower???
Chemistry: 18/20 MCQ, in long response wrote very detailed and structured stuff for everything, checked all calculations and messed up a bit in TWO calcs, like 4 or 5 marks at most. I could not fathom getting anything less than 90, would expect at the very least 93 or 94. I got 86, exam and assessment. HOW?????????????? Checked ALL CALCS with BoS, EVERYTHING was right except for those two questions were couple of numbers messed up.
I mean I cant have seriously been THAT fucking off the mark in long response, jesus christ...
Physics: Had no issues whatsoever in long response, I knew everything there was to know and wrote concise, to the point and used all appropriate terminology. Calculations I messed up numbers (Halved 550 for 225 lol) in THREE Q's, not more than 6 marks or something. And I get a FUCKING 83 exam and assessment.
What even....
Guys, I admit I didn't study as much as I should have, but I fucking knew my stuff pretty damn well either way, what the hell happened???? ext 2 especially I feel just WTF, want to destroy something in fire and acid and molten lead. Want to give someone brain damage and fuck them up so bad. Jesus christ man....
Final atar was 94.55, everyone in my family, friends and all is like YEAAA YOU DID SO GOOD !!!

Anyone see that Neel Kolhatkar vid? hahaha