What happened??? (2 Viewers)

Emily Howard

Active Member
Jun 17, 2013
all i can say m8 is dat my hsc was fuked ova but i moved on

u still did very well even doe u did not reach ur expectations

by march once uni starts all dis interest in ur "poor performance" by ur peers, teachers, self etc will die

life isn't always fair, we make mistakes n all u can do now is learn from da experience

ps i agree wif effy, gap year might be beneficial... good luck wif evrything n hope u all get sum good tym wif ur pa


New Member
May 7, 2013
If you noticed at school and with your friends, those who were humble, achieved the highest results and those who expected state ranks before they even sat the exam, performed at a far lower level. Have foresight but don't try to predict the unpredictable.
^ yeah can't get over how perceptive that is.

It's great you've realised how the atar can/will be inconsequential to your future. Although you won't be able to forget the anguish straight away, and were at least somewhat justifiably emotionally charged in response, it will eventually slip away and you won't be able to remember what subjects you studied..


Jan 29, 2012
Final atar was 94.55, everyone in my family, friends and all is like YEAAA YOU DID SO GOOD !!! DD

God, I can't even comprehend the thought of being disappointed with a 94.55 atar...


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
nah FUCK IT I got into adv sci melbourne which was my 2nd course preference. All fucking good, screw the board of studies im done with them.
I'm confused cause UMELB doesn't give early offers at this time of the year and they don't have adv sci, only science.
Anyway my second piece of this advice was this.

I am sorry to hear about your dad. Really and truly

Apply for ACCESS Melb.

Unfortunately, even if granted biomed is still 95+ iirc. But I guess have it as a first pref just in case with a 94.whatevs.

Secondly, science at UMELB is so similar but just with a similar cut off. You know how they only have the six new gens? Well you can do any biomedicine major in normal science, in essence it's basically a biomedicine but with freedom to do any science area where biomed you have limitied choice (kinda like in nsw bsc/bscadv has more freedom than medical science). You have to do breadth outside of science in both of them anyway.

Honestly, a very big ATAR gap for small difference in course structure, and also if I recall correctly, if you still want to medicine (post grad), UMELB doesn't look biomed over science in applying.

Anyway, my 2c on UMELB, giving the humblest of advice here. Science at UMELB does not have to be a bad 'consolation' prize to Biomed. Kinda like just getting koala plushie instead of a panda for a plushie. You can go into any of the same Masters programs from either (UMELB obvs to 'specialise' they push the 3+2 model opposed to nsw unis being more about doing an honours).


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
Just because UMelb does not offer "Advanced Science" does not mean their Science is not as advanced as so-called Advanced Science at Sydney U. Ages ago there was no such thing as Advanced Science. Does not mean Adv Sc is advanced. Advanced in relation to Non-advanced as you would compare 3U maths vs 2U maths.


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
Just because UMelb does not offer "Advanced Science" does not mean their Science is not as advanced as so-called Advanced Science at Sydney U. Ages ago there was no such thing as Advanced Science. Does not mean Adv Sc is advanced. Advanced in relation to Non-advanced as you would compare 3U maths vs 2U maths.
I wasn't being snarky, I just know what courses/diplomas are offered and called at UMELB. The course is just called Bachelor of Science there, Monash is the Vic Uni uses the course name he mentioned. If he said med sci, I would have been like it's called biomed at UMELB etc. Also I brought up the offer time because I wanted to make sure he had applied to the ACCESS he is likely entitled to, though he is above the typical clearly in, just for extra security, why not.

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not some stereotype snarky USYDer that is going to degrade other unis or their course. Like duh, Melbourne Uni ranks well in science and defs in bio which you would be focusing studies. Where in my post did I insinuate it was lesser than where I happen to do science? I mean UNSW/USYD/ANU/UMELB are all pretty highly regarded in the area. And seeing as you so lovingly did mention my degree, I'm pretty aware of the subtle differences between science and adv sci at USYD, and actually did some research on other unis as well and their respective science/adv sci/whatever the bells, moon and cow they name their degrees.

But if you choose to focus in on one line of my post, well so be it :) The rest of the post was advice that is genuine in intent and tailored to what I know of haya :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
I was not picking on your post at all. I just wanted to point out that "Advanced Science" is a misnomer. That a "Bachelor of Science" from MelbU is just as good, if not better than a "Bachelor of Advanced Science" from SydU. I think this designation (Adv Sc) came about because, now there is now a need to distinguish it from a dumbed down version of the course.
Last edited:
Sep 20, 2010
I was not picking on your post at all. I just wanted to point out that "Advanced Science" is a misnomer. That a "Bachelor of Science" from MelbU is just as good, if not better than a "Bachelor of Advanced Science" from SydU. I think this designation (Adv Sc) came about because, now there is now a need to distinguish it from a dumbed down version of the course.
The point is that the name ADV isn't trying to imply 'the others are dumb' but that this one has advanced courses as an essential part of the degree...


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
Holy fuck you did worse than me!


wot even?



I literally just watched TV between exams

I literally watched the first two seasons of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom before Maths and Bio and SOR exams

I literally spent an hour of the MX2 exam having a legit anxiety attack and didn't fill in half the paper and got the same mark as you




Wot wrong you?

And why would you draw more attention to yourself by making a thread?? ~~~


Chemistry: 18/20 MCQ, in long response wrote very detailed and structured stuff for everything, checked all calculations and messed up a bit in TWO calcs, like 4 or 5 marks at most. I could not fathom getting anything less than 90, would expect at the very least 93 or 94. I got 86, exam and assessment. HOW?????????????? Checked ALL CALCS with BoS, EVERYTHING was right except for those two questions were couple of numbers messed up.
I mean I cant have seriously been THAT fucking off the mark in long response, jesus christ...

Physics: Had no issues whatsoever in long response, I knew everything there was to know and wrote concise, to the point and used all appropriate terminology. Calculations I messed up numbers (Halved 550 for 225 lol) in THREE Q's, not more than 6 marks or something. And I get a FUCKING 83 exam and assessment.

What even....
You were clearly never taught how to write Science responses before. :/
Did you have a tutor?

Btw, did you go to Reddam?
So you don't live in GWS?
So you can't get into UWS Med?
What are you gonna do?



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Holy fuck you did worse than me!


wot even?



I literally just watched TV between exams

I literally watched the first two seasons of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom before Maths and Bio and SOR exams

I literally spent an hour of the MX2 exam having a legit anxiety attack and didn't fill in half the paper and got the same mark as you




Wot wrong you?

And why would you draw more attention to yourself by making a thread?? ~~~


You were clearly never taught how to write Science responses before. :/
Did you have a tutor?

Btw, did you go to Reddam?
So you don't live in GWS?
So you can't get into UWS Med?
What are you gonna do?

Well I thought I knew everything few weeks before, so I played skyrim and jrpg's most of time :haha: but yea I still think I knew things thoroughly. Anyway no I had no tutor for anything, I felt I was capable enough on my own.

You say wot wrong me... Idk tbh. Maybe my school science teachers were all the while teaching me completely wrong long response techniques haha. Idc. Maths m8 I've emphasized many times throughout the thread, I calculated with friend our marks according to carroysticks, he got 13 more marks when I very clearly had more of the paper covered than him, my maths teacher told me I have horrific scribble for working, so only logical conclusion for the missing marks is my writing quality. Blah.

And I hate med ffs, I pray to god I get into acting school next year during science course at melb, so i don't have to Fuck around in a career I despise


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
But like, with the x amount of effort I put in, I could have sworn it was good enough for 98 ATAR.

In school I was never surprised like this, with such ridiculously harsh marking.

MX2 is not even the marking, just, dont know what....

How can I get 79 if I got the solutions for 66 marks 100% according to carrot?!?!?!?

My maths teacher said throughout yr 12 if I dont make my work neater the markers will take off marks cos they hate messy work. Fuck them! If I get the answer I get the mark!!!

Is that true?? Do they remove marks for messiness?
I’m gonna be real here
We’re actually ~incredibly~ similar
which is grose for me to say
but anyways
when I was doing HSC my school estimated me ~98.5, my teachers all said I would get 97+ in MX1, 95+ in Bio, 90+ in chem, etc.
(they also told me to improve my writing which I did a little)
but in the end
I am a lazy shit
and knew I could get the 93.55+ I needed for UWS med with no effort
(because I have a high IQ (lol, this was my actual reasoning))
So I didn’t do much and got 94.75
I was upset
as I had set a 97.5+ goal before exams and a 95+ goal after sitting exams
but not super surprised
I was surprised about some marks
but not too much

I think you may be like me but you obvi didn’t have the help with writing science responses and stuff
(and your maths teacher was probs shit)
so like don’t stress

If you are GWS then your ATAR is high enough for UWS med so your uni marks for next year won’t count, so don’t stress, and focus on UMAT.

But, if you want to do something else like NIDA then go for it
I was actually going to apply for NIDA this year when I was going through a very depressive phase and wondering whether med was what I really wanted to do, and kind of regret not applying, just because the ~experience~ would’ve been good for me to realise that NIDA is shit and Med is a billion times better
(I’m probs going to apply for NIDA next year doe)

So whatever you want to do,
don’t give up
and don’t get down
but some times we need to get knocked down a bit to get a little more humble, I know it has happened to me a bit (not just academically) over the last few years, and it is a shit house experience to go through, but will make you a better person.

Also, get a mark recheck and shit (unless you’re poor as fuck (I am but I still did)) just because it provides some closure and some insight into why you did poorly and how to improve at uni.
Also, then you will stop blaming your marks on poor handwriting and stuff and realise that you reflected on your exams more positively than you should have.
And your marks will probably not change at all, even if they do change there will be a negligible impact on your ATAR.

Also, don’t place too much weight on having a high IQ. My IQ fluctuates in very high ranges and I don’t do super well academically. It’s all about hard work and knowing how to study. No one cares about your IQ, so plz stahp with that stuff. ^_^

I could see this coming from a long time ago - you allowed all this IQ crap to go to your head and ultimately, you greatly overestimated your ability.
Yeah, I saw this coming too because the same thing happened to me back in the day.
I was like “Oh my IQ is X” and then got 69th %ile in UMAT and sub 95.
I knew the same thing would happen to Haya.

Btw, your 70/100 in MX2. that got you a 79.

I got a 79 after probably getting 50/100.
Probs ~44/100 tbh

Just wanted 97-98 from that moment tbh. I worked appropriately.

staying on topic, from my half yearlies and trials all my teachers expected low B6 for everything bar english. Today at school chem and phys teachers were like "m8 wtf happened..."
As I said before the same thing happened to me.
And I was just like “I’m really sorry…” and they were like “You still did really well and should be proud” etc. Your teachers just want the best for you, so if you’re worried about having let them and other people down, don’t. It’s your mark, not anyone else’s.

PS. Haya. MX2 shouldn't be used as excuse. A 79 scales to a 98 or something similar.
~95 these days actually.

My advice:

*To help put it to bed, get the marks recheck for your peace of mind. Don't obsess on it, change is extremely unlikely.
*Secondly, your ATAR gives you a lot of options with uni. From this disappointment, if you look back constructively it could be a big turning point and approach things better in the future. I'd say a lot of the regret is tied to hyping yourself up-which can place undue pressure on yourself and make a fall more painful.
*Thirdly, HS performance is in no way indicative of the future or life or success or money or whatevs. So don't beat yourself up heavily over some numbers and a decimal point.
This is very good advice.

94.55 is still a very good ATAR, what course do you want to do in uni?
Don’t patronise him, mang.

Wanted acting at NIDA, tho cant get in as school leaver so will audition next year for it.

Till then, will either have gap year to take care of dad (severe cancer) or go to melbourne uni for biomedicine or advanced science.
Wait, I didn’t know you couldn’t get in as a school leaver ~~~
(Although, I didn’t even know applying was a thing until last year so… I dunno ~)

Honestly, do not go to UMelb.
Stay at home with your dad.
Go to a close uni and focus on your studies.
You will regret it if you leave and then he passed whilst you’re gone.

in all seriousness
why would you go to melbs for a degree you could get in sydney where you could be closer/better able to visit your severely sick father

That is ridiculous! what if there was intelligent kid who knew everything but had fine motor development impaired (I had this as young kid actually, but got thru it via lots of training) and was very messy? What if he deserved to be no 1 in state but got 70 cos markers didnt read his solutions>?
This never happens.
And this didn’t happen to you. :/

Because sydney is smelly, dirty, polluted and just gross. Cant stand it. And Idk how to respond about dad.
Melbourne isn’t much better.
Trust me, I love Melbourne and the scene down there is really gr8
but you really should wait another year.
Just because of your dad.

How is it unfair? Youve been told from the very start that markers dont like messy handwriting.. its really not that hard to improve your handwriting
It’s pretty hard… been working on it for 4ish years and my writing is still barely legible

Well asianese my writing is pretty damn messy, hsc marker teacher warned me I'd lose marks if I don't get neater, but didn't believe a marker would do that
you probs should’ve improved regardless :/
I worked on mine after my teacher complained after my prelim bio test
I came first but regardless I wanted to do ~better~
And you should be the same if you want to improve in future

Well the biology criteria analed me, coz I thought I could near SR.

*note, hoping to get my mark revised to a 92, there appears to be an error, getting it rechecked.
Honey… No… :/

I felt working through paper was waste of time, so I went thru chem and phys papers just visualising what I would do in each question step by step, and when I was done I'd check whether what I had in my mind matched somewhat with the sample answers. Maths papers I just did Q4-7 MX1 and for MX2 I did 2006-2012 whole thing.

I felt I understood marking criteria, although I never went through examiner notes and marking criteria for each exam on BoS site, as teacher told me to, I thuoght the past paper booklets would suffice in their sample answers.

Maybe I did misunderstand most of the long response questions, and gave completely the wrong stuff. Hm.

I find difficult to understand how one can misinterpret maths marking criteria, yet perhaps somehow I managed to do so. I would say more likely than that though is my crazy scribbling all over the place.

Reading Realise's post on off estimates I am just so aggravated and pissed off they disregarded my answers for some maths Q's, because I know more certainly than my own name I didn't get as low as I did.
You really should’ve done past papers better
Don’t make that same mistake at uni
You actually need to PRACTICE the papers
not just read them
That doesn’t work
I did that this year and got 25% for one exam

afaik only payment option is credit card (Which I dont have) and mum is super pissed off at me for getting the marks I did
(Well she said "Still a good atar but if u didnt fuck around on video games you would have gotten much higher" lol)
and Im scared I'll get a barrage of criticism and shouting if I mention the tiniest thing related to rechecking marks or anything, she is on reaaally tight fuse.

So at this stage idk what im gonna do, cant approach mum about getting credit card details....
If you have money then get your own debit card
If you’re 18 you should be able to do it without parental permission

nah FUCK IT I got into adv sci melbourne which was my 2nd course preference. All fucking good, screw the board of studies im done with them.

God, I can't even comprehend the thought of being disappointed with a 94.55 atar...
It’s a very real thing to happen.
I remember crying back in 2011 when I got 94.75
Now I just laugh
But like
It’s a thing
So much pressure on ~smart~ kids to do well, obvi they’re going to think everything below some ~magic number~ is awful

hahahahahah fucking hell i've never felt so gratified than right now, reading this thread
thank you bos
was haya the one who had the daily journal logging his journey to 99.95 or was that another autist
you shouldn't have spent so much time focussing on the voice acting
but so good
<3 u guys


Well I thought I knew everything few weeks before, so I played skyrim and jrpg's most of time :haha: but yea I still think I knew things thoroughly. Anyway no I had no tutor for anything, I felt I was capable enough on my own.

You say wot wrong me... Idk tbh. Maybe my school science teachers were all the while teaching me completely wrong long response techniques haha. Idc. Maths m8 I've emphasized many times throughout the thread, I calculated with friend our marks according to carroysticks, he got 13 more marks when I very clearly had more of the paper covered than him, my maths teacher told me I have horrific scribble for working, so only logical conclusion for the missing marks is my writing quality. Blah.

And I hate med ffs, I pray to god I get into acting school next year during science course at melb, so i don't have to Fuck around in a career I despise
I don't think you can really blame your school though
since you were on BoS
I had really shit teachers for some things
that marked shit
but since you can go on BoS and check things out you know what gets good marks and what doesn't

Anyways, if you ~despise~ med (I don't know why you would doe ~~~) then deffs don't do it haha

but like
if you want to do acting you should have applied for ACTT
My friend got in the day ATARs came out so it would've been a good balance of news :haha:
you can also do part-time courses at NIDA and stuff
I can find out more for you if you want ~~~
(A few of my friends are ~acting peeps~)


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Riproot, my dad has a few days left according to doctor. Mum said she wants me to go to melb, and she will likely move there with me and bro some time in future.

There's nothing more that I want in my life than to become h Hollywood actor, voice actor and comedian :D any help from your friends would be greatly appreciated Riproot.
Sep 20, 2010
Right now your family needs to be together. Everything can wait.


Sep 5, 2013
Lol you two guys thinking your high IQ will get your anywhere in the HSC. Newsflash the HSC is like 90% work/effort and 10% intelligence.

Spiritual Bean

The only
Jun 12, 2012
Lol you two guys thinking your high IQ will get your anywhere in the HSC. Newsflash the HSC is like 90% work/effort and 10% intelligence.
not true

higher intelligence > absorb content quicker and have a complete understanding > study less

everyone has seen those kids no offence who study 6 hours a day but still end up getting 70s


Sep 5, 2013
not true

higher intelligence > absorb content quicker and have a complete understanding > study less

everyone has seen those kids no offence who study 6 hours a day but still end up getting 70s
That's true but I still stand by saying that it's mostly effort that will get you the atar you are aiming for. The point I am making is quite evident in the failure of both the OP and riproot to achieve their desired atar

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