I have no idea how to write an economics essay hahaha gg
If you get an essay on BOP and you haven't studied make sure you prepare for the butthurt that soon follows.
You can't bs that shit, so gg nr
I agree this piece of advice fully

-very good advice.
The amount of students I have observed busy finishing their notes instead of doing past papers is absolutely astonishing.
Yep, i saw it first hand last year. People wrote all their notes up and may be strong with the content but they haven't developed the writing skills to answer the question. It sounds simple but successfully answering it to what the question actually requires (e.g analyse, evaluate) is a different story, you can't regurgitate content anymore and expect to get marks.
That's the reason why the notes should be consolidated in holiday study and nearly finished now (I had my half-yearlies at the end of term 2 so it was ages away for me).
Yes i agree, by the time term 2 started i had already finished studying my topic 1 content (for business and eco at least). People are getting swamped now with topic 2 content and they won't have any time to study topic 1 content. Believe it or not 2014'ers, topic 1 plays a large role in your half yearlies.
What if I havn't learnt everything required for the half yearly yet... (probably wont be done UNTIL the half yearly lol...)
You're in for a stressful ride
A way i found to efficiently study is to just do past papers. If you can't remember the content for a certain area go back and overview the content required to answer that question. Do as many short answers as you can and you'll eventually cover most of the examinable content. This is something i would do compared to memorising all my notes and having no time to do past paper questions.
Another tip is to read the hsc markers comments on questions you answer. By doing this you'll soon understand what the marker expects from you and if you get a similar question in the half yearlies you're bound to nail it if you remember what is expected. Make sure you get a teacher/tutor to mark your questions though, that is how you learn from your mistakes.