umm..well i used to hav a crush on this guy.. we catch the same bus and stuff and i already had him as a friend on fb (but we never spoke) so one day, being the weirdo that I am, decided to message him out of the blue while he was online. Turns out our conversation lasted hours. anyway.. i started to go cray over the guy. Like i thought he was the sweetest and kindest and cutest guy ever. and everytime i saw him i felt like id blush and yeah, it was kinda a really sad infatuation for him. then my friends told him i liked him T_T that kinda killed everything..because they started bringing him up all the time and it got kinda annoying. i still to this day do not know if he likes me back, because guys confuse me (he said to my friend that he found me pretty and cool) but now me and him are just pretty close friends. :L we talk a lot now

I'm kinda glad that i spoke to him that day on fb. I mean thinking about it now, even though at the time i really wanted to be with him, i figured he makes a better friend than a if he did become my bf and we broke up, our friendship could be over and i don't want to lose him as a friend.
maybe start off smiling or saying hi or something when you see the guy. you never know, he may start up a conversation with you.. if you're ever in a situation where you two are somewhere alone..try to make small talk, idk... i don't think he will think you're talking just to flirt.

Just try to say hi or something at first
i know its hard to get over guys...especially ones you find it hard to talk to..... bc they're always in the back of your mind somehow and it gets bothering when you want to talk or get to know them but just don't know how..
.....I'm in a sad situation at the moment.
theres this guy...who works at JBIHFI....hes so sweet...and he's hot......and he seems maybe 2 years older than me at most? idk. anyway.........I CANT GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD. its driving me crazy....i think i need help or something. Everytime i go there and i see him i get butterflies or my hands start trembling a bit and i get flustered T_T but he's so cute...and today OMG..i was about to walk in and he was standing on the right side of the entrance ( its usually where he stands) and he was chatting to a coworker....I was going to go in on the left side of the entrance...he moved over to that side when he saw me coming up to the store...and started fixing his fringe in a really cute way (he has this really hot emo hair) and then he greeted me as i walked in and smiled and as i moved further into the store he went back over to the other side where he was was so cute..but i think i have like no chance with him

idk what to do :| i cant get him out of my head though...i just cant. I've been like this for over a year now i think T_T