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  • awww thats so cute :) young love :)
    as for me, yeah my subjects arent going too but when i look at my books and the amount of information that we have to learn for our half yearlys im just like OMG!
    thats great news :)
    hopefully, u will manage to get an idea :) dont stress too much
    actually, quite surprisingly, i figured out an idea for my crime writing one :) yay :)
    so hows everything else going?
    yeah ive got about 1000-1500 words on mine as well, but it seems like every single sentence u write, u have to edit 5000000 times...the feeling saddens me..well its just so time consuming ur so luck...crime fiction is weird
    the story is harder to write thani expected which isnt gud, coz normally im gud at writing :(
    what topic are u doing for ext 1?
    our school is doing crime writing...PD James' "The Skull Beneath the Skin" is a pain in the ass coz its so darn boring to read. lol
    hows ext 2 coming along?
    lol...dont get distracted
    just put ur mind to it and write :)
    or what also works is to give yourself a due date before the actual due date and finish it by the due date that u make for it
    hahahaha i had to do my related texts they are due tomorrow and im almost finished..i did it all today (procrastination kills)
    related texts are a pain in the ass but oh well
    so how are the blog things coming along?
    David...I don't think she exactly knew me personally, but I remember her being there and people saying she was pro at maths lol
    LOL, yeah we had a nazi librarian too but he left and apparently he got bashed at the school he went to haha. Our ancient teacher's good though, he's an archaeologist too and works at Pompeii. He goes there every year. He just tends to jump around the syllabus though haha
    Yeah my eco and legal teachers are like that, which is great and convenient for making notes. My ancient teacher, not so much.
    Yeah it's not bad, just a lot of content though and my teacher's jumping all over the syllabus haha
    heyyy thats kay
    lolz i havent watched it either..sad but true :(
    anywayz so how was new yrs for you? did u party much?
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