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  • sign up at sydney uni...bachelor of social work :D :D heckk yessssss :D :D :D :D going to be so awesome....:D :D :D :D :D :D

    nahh not psych to sciencey for me although i did put psych at macq down. but yeah...we'll see i guess. but really wanting this social work course!!
    join the club. maths used to be my best subject.
    now its my 2nd worst :| :| eeekkk!! hahaha.
    oh well no maths or science for my course next year HELL YEAHHHH :D :D :D cannot waittt!!
    im so excited for uni in a way.
    im glad i managed to put up with it for 3 terms....would have been so unhappy if i dropped it cos that would have meant i would have kept extension maths and that would have been major fml lol.

    year 12 bio is awesome. even though its my weakest subject. by far.
    me? sneaky? lol, honey, who's the one on BoS whilst they are said to be 'studying'??
    I iz a spy, but I iz not sneaking around :)
    Well if you're 'studying' then your visitors should be no problem for you, and so I cannot see why you can't go on msn :p
    haha yeah not like ext maths.
    i dont even do ext maths anymore =P wooohooooo! i can barely do 2u. i hate maths arghh yuck!!
    lol, shiit, wen u gonna start??
    umm, i start next week :(
    but for some reason, im not stressing over it too much!! .... weird aye!
    lol, newai, when does ur prelims start??
    regrets hahaha. well everything other than religion really.
    my ranks were ok. my marks were shocking!

    but i did do my best. so mehh
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