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  • i only started making revision notes, havent really started studying :(
    i didnt do any studying this weekend... been too busy
    dw i failed ext maths in my yr 11 trials. only 2 people in my class passed. i got 21% hahahahah and i came 4th so you can imagine how bad people in my class did. we had 12 people LOL! nup no n-awards hahah. dw you wont fail as bad as me LOL and even if you do doesnt matter. its year 11!
    what do you have left? theyve put alot of work on you for the last three weeks wow.
    im dropping chem and maths and picking up ext 2 eng and ext 2 hist.
    i think it was about nine :)

    i didnt sleep last night, but it was saturday :)
    wow, thats strange, ours go for two weeks, they start on thursday.
    finished my last assessment on monday, so its just exams and onward to yr 12!
    are you dropping/picking up any subjects?
    no i haven't been getting any! do you have yearlies coming up? how have all your assessments gone? i'll send some rep your way when bos lets me haha :)
    "i was very close but i missed it by one vote..." ......what are u talking about?
    RCS is Religion Catholic Studies.
    hehehe :) I read a walk to remember today...i haven't cried that much since HP&TDH. it just proves to me that you gotta have faith in something, otherwise you've got nothing else. lolol :) take it easy, xx. and this one! :)
    r u coming to the open day tomorrow?? If so, I'll be going to the 2nd psych lecture! I'll be the one staring you down until you notice :p
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