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  • yeah majors are a killer, not sure if I'll be able to do both EE2 and His Ext, such big workload for two one units.
    I don't pre prepare responses mostly-so it doesn't really affect me. I do scaffold though. And yes with Ext 1 and Ext 2, the subjectivity does scare me a little.
    Haha and I was interested in physics too, but decided it was not my forte.
    For EE2, a short story, the only other one I really seriously considered was a critical. And yeah with his ext, you gather your own sources etc.
    Hey Eg! Yes I do like Ext 1 English, we're doing Plath poetry at the moment. EE2 has a lot of freedom, it's a pretty onorous task though and I haven't gotten an idea that I love yet. Requires lots of self discipline but if you can get a topic you love, it is defs a great subject. History extension we're doing "What is History" looking at different historians, as well as starting our historical research projects. Later we do a case study on Elizabeth 1.

    But yah, all the extensions I do are interesting and definitely have a different feel to my 2 unit subjects. Haha and you legit want to do all my subjects? I love my sciences and Modern is a good history. ANy specific questions about any of my subbies?
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