i got 59 which considering i did it all in one night was an ok effort, still a little dissapointing i guess, i wonder how many failed.
LOL I post on my own wall all the time its so annoying!
As far as I can tell my roomate does not know we stole an egg>.< and I plan to replace it because I actually feel bad about it.
I think i may quit my babysitting job, its too much trouble for barely any work and too much travel. I got pulled over by a police woman for driving...wait for it...TOO SLOW! on my first shift when I was driving one of the clinents kids home I got so upset about it. And you have to lie within reason I just basically wrote my roomates resume for him when i forced him to apply for jobs.
Oh and I didnt yell at my roomate I never yell. And women are much more into emotional blackmail

works everytime.