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  • that sucks i'd hate to travel to uni i just have a walk which is better. Its kinda hard moving out of home and not knowing anyone especially if you move somewhere you've never been to. It takes alot of adjusting. Whish hlsc prac? I've dont hand washing and manual handling and havent even touched the assignment lol oh well.
    Yeah bos hasnt really been working at all lately i couldnt get on either. Well Im not from sydney i dont know why I would go to newcastle if i could live at home and go to a sydney uni lol. I wont tell you where Im from other than that I live on the coast, not a fan of giving away too much personal info over the internet lol
    Yeah I know what you mean I would hate to be a boss, thats why I would never open my own private practice it would just consume your life. Im happy just to clock in and out basically. And I rent.
    hmmmm im not really looking to get respect out of my career i just want to enjoy what i do, and can I point out that even thought you thought the psychologist was the least respected out of those three if you do your masters in psych you would actually earn the most out of all three! But Im not too worried about money either I just want the bills to be paid and to do something I like lol.
    Hmmm im not sure if i want to change courses but physio isnt as exiting as I thought it would be. I was really tossing between psychology, physio and paramedic. And I think i'm still tossing. I thought this was what i wanted but im not sure anymore. Maybe its just becuase I have an exam tomorrow lol. Doing range of motion and all the stuff we've done so far in Physio has been really tedious.

    Yeah I have the same problem with getting back into learning after hsc lol. I just cant get back into it. Howd you go in hsc anyway?
    ah so 14 then? And Im in a similar situation my lab tutor told me that I have to do more work when he realised I had no idea about the muscles (yeah i skipped that lecture it was the one just before the exam and it was such a mistake in hindsight lol). And 5 weeks is plenty of time to turn your result around! I have so much work to do in all my subjects lol. And heaps of people got below 10 there were heaps of 6's besides alot of us are adjusitng to uni life so i'm sure we'll all get through.

    Btw are you liking your degree or feeling like you might have made the wrong decision? Im just wondering cause me and my roomate were talking earlier about our disillushionment with our courses. strange question I know
    ok so you got below 19 im guessing? Well i said i wouldnt check it but curiosity got the better of me, i got 21 (credit) so happy seeing as i wasnt expecting to get above ten so i was happy with that, but im used to doing alot better. I still feel heaps behind and i havent done any of the lower limb :S But at least we still have 80% of the course to go so we can easily get D's :)
    haha sorry bout that, you'll have to tell me your result when you find out so i know wether i should be afraid or not
    havent looked and dont plan to haha, im pretty sure i didnt pass :S i dont even know if the exam results are out yet but good luck
    i think i failed too! so depressed, stupid innervations! I didnt study enough and in the exam i didnt seem to be thinking very clearly everything felt like a guess. I dont even want to know what mark i got :( But its only 20% so theoretically i could still get a D if i ace everything else lol. But really i just want to pass.
    dont our hlsc lectures are a waste of time, they make you dumber not smarter >.< well anyway i'll be skipping my next hlsc anyway as i havent studied for my hubs1105 exam oh well
    your bet was pretty accurate lol. im the one who normally sits alone with my book open as if im planning to actually achieve something in my three hours of hlsc but never actually writes anything sown haha
    beazly, she's horrible! with that ridiculously high pitched comical voice lol. And i hate the course it self i think we could have just read the apa book and worked out referencing for ourselves. everytime i do hlsc i feel like i've gotten dumber.
    no one likes hlsc 1000. no one shall work in the health field without experiencing true pain. honestly maybe their just weeding out the weak so only the people who can truly withstand true torture can work in hospitals or something
    yer i worked it out, and i dont have to take any physics exept a little in intro to physio. i only have to do hubs 1105 hubs 1403 hlsc 1000 (death) and phty 1040
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