Aye, well English went for a bit of a mediocre turn for me :S My overall result of the two combined tests was not overly bad, but my essay well it appears the markers most certainly didn't like the idea of giving me a good mark for it
15/20 = I'm pretty devastated. Ah well just gotta move past it, find what was wrong and be prepared for the next one.
Aha still more mini exams for Ealsy
You can't escape
Lol wow I've read about this hacker guy.... only 15 what the hell lol
Aha apparently he's still using the internet heaps, they just can't track him XD One does not simply ban a super hacker from the internet 
Aha do we get any prezzies for the day? Didn't think so
Get back to work!
-Must Rank 1st in EVERYTHING - AND -Must Rank 1st in life-
Aha still more mini exams for Ealsy
Lol wow I've read about this hacker guy.... only 15 what the hell lol
Aha do we get any prezzies for the day? Didn't think so
-Must Rank 1st in EVERYTHING - AND -Must Rank 1st in life-