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  1. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    omg A I get -50/sqrt 20 but there is no way to find a B since Bt terms disappear and B terms also disappear.
  2. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    OH RIGHT yea cos this is still finding that particular solution the initial conditions are used one the particular solution equation not the prerequisite equation BEFORE the particular solution equation
  3. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    so rough solution is q(t)=Atcos(sqrt20.t)+Btsin(sqrt20.t) q'(t)=Acos(sqrt20.t)-(sqrt20)Atsin(sqrt20.t)+Bsin(sqrt20.t)+(sqrt20)Btcos(sqrt20.t) with q(0)=2 and q'(0)=0 it appears to screw up.... did I do something wrong?
  4. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    wot I get -20Asin(sqrt20.t)+20Asin(sqrt20.t) matches to 100sin(sqrt20t) when coefficient matching. How do u find A...? equals zero mann
  5. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    O jeez man.... my "constants" search was huge because I didnt realise sin0 is 0. Lmfao. for d) you just solve q''+20q=100sin((sqrt20)t) right?> I appreciate your help SO MUCH <3
  6. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    I dont see whats wrong with this but its so huge it feels wrong I got for c) q(t)=2(20-w^2)cos20t+100sinwtcos20t-5wcoswtsin20t+100sinwt all over 20-w^2 is dat right? I cant even figure out how to simplify im so tired atm
  7. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    also for d) do u just use original 100sinwt but say w=root 20?
  8. hayabusaboston

    French election: Macron defeats Le Pen to become president

    (((centrist))) lmfao he's a socialist ffs. Why are media constantly saying Centrist? stupidity infuriates me. RIP anyway france.
  9. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    Yea I realised that a minute after I posted XD the initial value problem for c) is getting huge... I dont know if im doing it right. You're supposed to get values for everything except the w yea? since w represents all non resonance values. so ur finding a and b from original thing. Do u...
  10. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    my brain is sickeningly slow today. Initially there is no current in the circuit and the initial capacitor charge is 2 coulombs. How is this represented in q(t) equations? im doing c and have general solution non resonance: q(t)=acos20t+bsin20t+(100/(20-w^2))sinwt -->let...
  11. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    Why such trouble concentrating :'(
  12. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    Im a retard. That was easy. I am having such difficulty braining anything today jesus.
  13. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    but how do u solve like that? General solution is y(t)=acos20t+bsin20t, then for particular solution what do u do? make an Atcosw+Btsinw? Where go from there? well u have y=Atcosw+Btsinw y'=-Atsinw+Btcosw y''=-Atcosw-Btsinw edit: messed up woah
  14. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    wot how do u do that? solve w not equal to w0?
  15. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    for c)do you just get rid of w and say sint then do initial value problem? for d) do you just solve the initial problem with w=20?
  16. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    so if sin(wt) is equal to the general solution values of sin and cos? characteristic equation results in 20i,-20i so y(t)=Acos20t+Bsin20t, if times by t will be equal with sinwt so 20 is it? later questions say "pick a value where resonance occurs" isnt there only the one?
  17. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    how to find value of w so there is resonance WOT idk m8 lost
  18. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    InteGrand if you can help with this would be amazing. 1. Find the general solution to the differential equation y''+2y'+3y=1+t^2+e^-t is y(t)=Ae^-t.cos(sqrt2)t+Be^-t.sin(sqrt2)t+(e^-t)/2+(t^2)/3-(4t/9)+17/27? and 2.Consider an electric circuit L -------<<------ i...
  19. hayabusaboston

    go for it son

    go for it son
  20. hayabusaboston

    Someone help me im DYING with this

    next question if anyone can provide guidance would b appreciated Consider the differential equation for y(t) (t>=0) dy/dt=sech(y)-2e/(e^2+1) a) find the equilibrium solutions (is it 1 and -1?) b)draw a phase plot of dy/dt versus y and label all intercepts (upside down parabola style at -1/1...