Okay so Anat1001, BIOL1210, BIOL1620 and CHEM1001. Should I just do those for Session 1? What about my Major?? Theres one unit, PHYS1210, for the 1st year. Do I save that for session 2 along with the other leftover 2 essential units?
Oke so I picked the 4 essential units for the 1st year. 3 are in sem 1 and the other 1 is in sem 2 (since that's the only availability left!).
Wait you know the 2000 and 3000 units arent they for year 2 and 3? Why are they in blue and why are the session options like so for ex MEDI310P = '2021...
I was enrolling for my units for 2021 Medical Science Year 1.
A) I wanted to get a preview and an insight (ig) on the majors. I'm personally leaning towards Anatomy and Physiology.
B) Help on the whole study planner thing. Like Should I just pick the 'Day' option or the 'infrequent' option...
We've done Islam, Christianity and Judaism. And for Judaism we did Moses maimonide, and I'm praying to god that they don't ask us about him. I'm planning to do the Christianity and Judaism for the first 2 long responses (Section 2). For Section 3, I plan to do Islam (or depending on the...
I was telling my friend a 'draft' for a meme I thought of and it went like:
Yr 12 Students: Nesa will def make the exam easier for us, cos like oof we went thru all that.
Nesa: "Teehee" ☺
Hmmm true that. I guess its bcs it was more on the application side of things, similarly to bio, and seemingly NESA's goal (with all the syllabus changes and what not).
P.S I just realised we were taught regression line, I think we (/I) used this other term, can't remember it too well tho. 😓
Aite so basically, NESA, decided that since EVERYONE is already equally disadvantaged, then we might as well disadvantage them even more, for the sake of future years, getting a feel if this new Standard Maths...
Yeah sounds about right. 😂
Idrc honestly. What's done is done and other than...
Of course students wouldn't mind...if there was some sort of heads up. Unlike advanced students, who got the, quote on quote, easiest exam they've had in years. Standard students who weren't taught concepts like regression line and all the other crap, aren't too lucky, don't you think?
"You guys"
Well I mean an atheist can do the subject too.
We not only learn about Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Aboriginal dreaming (what our school did) we also studied atheism, animism etc sooo...