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  1. I

    Did you get into a selective school?

    has anyone got accepted at baulko yet????
  2. I

    The Woolworths Thread

    has anyone on here tried to transfer to another store, and if so, how long did it take?
  3. I

    past exam papers

  4. I

    Which is your favorite subject :D

    you actually have an IST class that isn't a bludge :( I wish I was in your position
  5. I

    atar prediction? very general

    can i ask, how does the ranking affect the atar? so in this case, if the school ranking was around 200, what would the atar be?
  6. I

    Year 11 Subject selection

    I would choose Option 2, just on the basis of workload ... but it depends on how much you can take. As to 3 unit maths, 3 unit english, I would take these two, and if you feel that it is too much, just drop it. But I only just chose my own subjects, so I guess its not the best advice
  7. I

    Help with flash software assignment

    Hi for an ist assignment i need to create a flash with voice and music and a famous character on a particular theme. The theme i have is creating a leadership campaign with the theme 'changing the tide'. My character is barack obama. The hard bit is that it needs to be 30 seconds with only 1...
  8. I

    Atar query?

    Whatatar is needed for aeronautical and aerospace engineering at usyd, unsw, uws, macquarie and adfa?