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  1. kat-

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    and i'm sitting here waiting to drop Eco lol
  2. kat-

    How did everyones first week go???

    no shit faggot
  3. kat-

    How did everyones first week go???

    good lol My friend has nearly exact same timetable as I (except MX1 and Sport groups). She switched 2 of her subjects just to be in the same class as I was which is um yeah hahaha i didn't recommended it to her though but yeah. Besides that, i love my classes except the fact that i can't see...
  4. kat-

    Changing Subjects?

    I think you should keep 3u. You said you have a tutor, so can't your tutor teach and help you? Also, my 2u and 3u teacher can't teach jack too. She doesn't even show up to class lol (if she does, she only marks the roll, sets the class an exercise and then leaves for the rest of the period) but...
  5. kat-

    i just found the username hilarious k kient

    i just found the username hilarious k kient
  6. kat-

    sharkey boi

    sharkey boi
  7. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    ye k
  8. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    an extra hour is a lot to me fuck off
  9. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    ^ fak off
  10. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    School from 8am-3pm (waking up at 6) everyday with no frees (except one tuesday every fortnight) makes me want to die. I am only in my second day and I am close to passing out lol
  11. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    i am not ready
  12. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    Actually, both the "math" and "school" works.
  13. kat-

    Who's ready for year 11?

    Change the "math" to "school" and the picture is relevant.
  14. kat-

    Does this happen everywhere or is this just me?

    Hahahaha I had this chill manager and whenever that manager was working, I would just sit at the back and talk with my friends. When that manager asked why I wasn't working or why i'm bumming around, I would say that i'm on a break (i was still clocked on). Free $$
  15. kat-

    Does this happen everywhere or is this just me?

    Nah happens to me and my friends as well. So. annoying.
  16. kat-

    Energy drinks

    Yeah in year 7 (i stopped in year 8 that's why it was the last time i drank one), i would drink a V or a Monster everyday because there was a corner shop right next to my school that would sell it for like $2 lol but now i don't drink energy drinks. I like juices more <3
  17. kat-

    Energy drinks

    No. They're all ew except Monster and Loko and even then, the last time I drank an energy drink was in like year 8.
  18. kat-

    Crinkle cut versus Straight cut chips.

    straight for everything. I hate crinkle cut.