same, i will listen to anything if it is good. but my favourites as you can probably tell are rock, punk and emo :P
heavy metal is aweeeesomeeeeee! i love it!!!!! iron maiden <3 <3 jdfsridlfk :D :D
YAYAYAYYAYAYAY its the weekend!!!! :D :D :D but I'm so pissed off because i still don't get to sleep in tomorrow because i have to wake up early for my tennis lesson....thinking of stopping that next term..but don't know if i should...
Should get High end sony phone. I have the Xperia U at the moment. Ive had it since 2012. Pretty good. Need a new phone. I want to try the iPhone but idk. But yeah try a higher wnd Sony phonw bc im sure thatd be awesome :3
nope. I've got nothing. i have such a short attention span now its not even funny. Yesterday i was trying to do my multimedia assignment which was due today...i had so much to do....but somehow i ended up on youtube watching Mr Bean.........
This is really tough hahaha I love too much music...but I'll try and choose 5...these will be in no particular order:
Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll
One Direction - Midnight Memories
All Time Low - Nothing Personal
Evanescence - Evanescence
5 Seconds of Summer - uhhh all their songs :3
do i...
I'd say go for a tutor. I know that helped me a great deal last year when I had possibly one of the worst teachers ever for maths. She basically did the same thing as you said your current teacher does.
The tutor really helped me to understand the topics we were learning and such, however I...
i only really get hw for 3 subjects.....Chem, bio and maths....
and i still don't do it on time half the time.
gosh. this is so sad >.> i cant even keep up with this work @_@
oh does anyone know the best way to prepare for a listening task? I have my English listening task in 2 weeks. How...
guitar is the only fun part of my day....but i barely get to play anymore. sometimes i just play instead of doing my homework because i just cant stand not playing at all.
English Advanced: 9/10
Teacher is awesome, makes it interesting. All we are doing is analysing poems at the moment. Usually hate doing this type of thing but i'm enjoying it for some reason.
Maths Extension: -12348455928435/10
i.hate.maths. I finally got to an extension exercise in the...