It's 100% B, check the reduction potentials sheet.
Also dont agree with a few of their short answer criteria, but no one knows how bostes will mark so just hope for the best.
Isn't that apparatus x question pointing only at the condenser? Not the whole setup? I'm actually doubting myself so much after reading the suggested solutions.
Huh, were you supposed to talk about your biopolymer in that question? I mentioned it briefly but mostly justified biopolymer research as a whole rather than just PHB.
ya in retrospect this year's questions were easy, the feeling of losing marks only on careless mistakes is painful, I think it was to do with getting caught off guard with how straightforward appeared at first glance and not paying attention to the details.
Does everyone genuinely think it was easier than previous years? Some people are saying it was brutal though carrot says it was really easy. Personally would've done a lot better in last years paper than this year.
Just wondering, would say that doing 4u significantly improves your 3u? If so for what reasons? Does 4u significantly improve your problem solving a skills or is it because specific 4u methods make 3u question less difficult?
Do HSC markers count carry on errors to next question? Think I might've got one of the sub parts wrong and used it in the next part. Do I get full marks for the next part?